=== Atensiq Connector for WooCommerce === Contributors: atensiq, aleapp Tags: food ordering, restaurant orders, woocommerce, restaurant menu, food menu Requires at least: 4.6 Tested up to: 5.2.2 Stable tag: 1.0.2 Requires PHP: 5.6 License: GPLv3 License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html Instant order notifications from WooCommerce in your restaurant´s Atensiq webapp. See how Atensiq works on https://atensiq.com == Description == This plugins allows to connect your WooCommerce restaurant cart with the [Atensiq](https://atensiq.com/) service and its online orders feature (FREE). It is designed for the restaurants that offer online orders with food delivery or local pickup. Note that you need to use Atensiq webapp to receive instant notifications and have a valid [subscription](https://atensiq.com/subscriptions/)! Learn more about Atensiq online orders feature [here](https://atensiq.com/features/). = What is Atensiq? = Atensiq is a restaurant customer service software. Atensiq´s main features: * Instant orders notifications from WooCommerce * Waiter call system * Bill request system * Customer satisfaction surveys == Installation == In order to use Atensiq Connector for WooCommerce you will need a valid [subscription](https://atensiq.com/subscriptions/)! 1. Upload the plugin files to the '/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-atensiq' directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly and activate it. 2. Access your Atensiq admin panel -> Settings and copy Sbn ID and Secret from the API section. 3. Go to Wordpress admin panel -> WooCommerce -> Atensiq Connector and paste the Sbn ID and Secret into the corresponding fields. Make sure you have enabled the online orders service in the Atensiq admin panel (see the cart button on the quick options bar). == Quickcart Shortcode == Quickcart shortcode allows to list products from different categories on the same page. You can add products to the cart directly from the list. Works with variable products too. Great for using as a restaurant style products list. Note that it is not required to use this shortcode for Atensiq´s online orders notification feature and you may use other listing plugins for woocommerce! Usage: [wcat-quickcart cats="" cols="2"] Options: cats - product category term slugs, separated by comma cols - products list columns, valid values 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12 See an example of the quickcart shortcode in action [here](https://restaurant.shopixpress.com/).