=== ASPS Launch Button === Contributors: ArtistScope Donate link: https://www.artistscope.com/asps_launch_button.asp Tags: launch, asps, web browser, secure browser Requires at least: 4.0 Tested up to: 4.7 Stable tag: trunk License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html This widget inserts a dynamic button in your side column for visitors to launch the ArtistScope Web Browser while using a normal web browser. == Description == The ASPS Browser Launcher is a free add-on. This WordPress plugin enables site visitors to launch the ArtistScope Web Browser from web pages while using their default web browser. When displayed it provides a button indicating the detection of the ArtistScope Web Browser which can be clicked to launch the ArtistScope Browser. When not detected the button will change its message and link to provide a download page. * Easy install. * Upload and insert launch buttons using WordPress native media tools. * Checks that the ArtistScope Browser is installed and redirects if needed. * Launch the ArtistScope Browser from all popular web browsers. * ArtistScope Browser will load the same page that launched it. As a WordPress Widget it can be permanently displayed in the right panel to display current status for the ArtistScope Web Browser such as "Install", "Launch" or "Currently Active" messages. It installs like most other WordPress plugins by simply copying its files to the WordPress "plugins' folder. More information about ASPS can be found on the [ASPS website](http://www.artistscope.com/asps_web_site_protection.asp). You can see this plugin and our other WP copy protection add-ons in action on our [WordPress demo website]( http://wordpress.artistscope.com). == Installation == This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working. 1. Upload the "asps-launch-button" folder and its contents to the "/wp-content/plugins/" directory. 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress. 3. Edit "download-asps.html" to change the start URL for your site (line 10). You can now add a launch button in your side column by going to Dashboard > Appearance > Widgets. The ASPS Launch Button should now appear in your list of available widgets. == Changelog == = 2.3 = * Tested for WP 4.7. = 2.2 = * Updated for WP 4.6. = 2.1 = * Revised plugin folder detection for non-root installs. = 2.0 = * Revised for version 2.0 ASPS web browser. * Images no longer embedded - images can be edited for design/language. * Detects and launches both version 1 and 2 series ASPS browser. = 1.0 = * Released for version 1.0 ASPS web reader.