=== Ashtabula === Contributors: mlchaves Donate link: https://ko-fi.com/marklchaves Tags: slider, swiper, responsive Requires at least: 5.3.2 Tested up to: 6.1.1 Stable tag: 1.0.0 Requires PHP: 7.2 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Ashtabula - A Swiper Slider Plugin for WordPress == Description == This plugin allows you to use of the popular [Swiper.js](https://swiperjs.com/) library in WordPress. This is a minimalist plugin that is for displaying responsive cards in a slide. - On a large screen device, the slide will show a horizontal card (image on the left and text on the right). - On a small device, the slide becomes a stacked card with the image on the top and text on the bottom. See the screengrabs below to get a visual or visit the [live demo](https://streetphotography.blog/ashtabula-swiper-slider/). **Note**: You should be comfortable with HTML and CSS to use this plugin. == Installation == 1. Upload the contents of plugin zip file to the `/wp-content/plugins/ashtabula` directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins page directly. 1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' page. == Usage == 1. Use the [demo HTML file](https://github.com/marklchaves/ashtabula/blob/master/ashtabula-demo.html) as a starter template. Add this HTML to a HTML or code block/element to your page or post. 2. To add the images, use the example CSS below as a template. Add the CSS to your **Appearance** > **Customize** > **Additional CSS** or your child theme's `style.css` file. CSS example to specify the background image for the responsive card in a slide. ` /** * Swiper Slider Plugin Custom Styles */ #my-swiper-slide-1 { background-image: url(mybgimg-1.png); } #my-swiper-slide-2 { background-image: url(mybgimg-2.png); } #my-swiper-slide-3 { background-image: url(mybgimg-3.png); } ` == Frequently Asked Questions == = How can I change the Swiper.js settings? = You can override the `ashtabula.js` file. Here's an example. Add this to your child theme's functions.php file. ` /** Override Swiper Slider Plugin JS */ function override_ssp_js() { wp_dequeue_script('ashtabula'); wp_enqueue_script('swiper-slider-custom-js', get_stylesheet_directory_uri().'/js/swiper-slider-custom.js', '', '1.0.0', true); } add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'override_ssp_js', 100); ` Create this file: `/js/swiper-slider-custom.js`. Add this code to the file. It will override the default plugin settings for Swiper.js. ` /** * Make the slides: * 1. Slide up instead of * to the right. * 2. Loop instead of rewind. * 3. Speed up to 3 seconds. */ (function () { let swiper = new Swiper(".swiper-container", { autoplay: { delay: 3000, }, direction: "vertical", loop: true, }); })(); ` == Screenshots == 1. Example slider card on large devices. 1. Example slider card on small devices. == Changelog == = 1.0.0 = * First release. Tested on the Twenty Twenty and GeneratePress themes. == Upgrade Notice == = 1.0.0 = * Now using a local copy of the Swiper 6.1.1 JS and CSS libraries. * Changed plugin directory structure to follow [WordPress best practices](https://developer.wordpress.org/plugins/plugin-basics/best-practices/). == Credits == Powered by [Swiper.js](https://swiperjs.com/).