=== AS login === Contributors: anuislam Tags: as login,as,anuislam,branding,custom login,login, login background, login logo, login screen, style login, theme login, wp-login,extra css, theme, theme colors, Theme customization, theme styles, theme tweaking,attack, authentication, block, brute force, challenge, control, credentials, hacker, key, limit, lock, login, prevent, private, protect, reject, response, restrict, security, stop,admin, branding, custom login, custom login pro, customization,customize login ,error, login error, logo,access, account, admin,custom, e-mail, gravatar, log in, login, redirection, register, registration, sidebar, theme, widget,captcha, editor, form, frontend, honeypot, internationalization, languages, login, lost password, registration, responsive, role, shortcode, wordpress, AJAX, AJAX login, buddypress, multi-site, redirect, registration, sidebar, label,input field,color,Facebook,Twitter,Google,Pin it,manage, modal, password, plugin, redirect, register, username,Auth, authentication, ban, brute, brute force, cookie, force,lock,lockdown,maintenance, password, password strength, passwords, security, strength, strong, strong passwords, timeout, users, Hide ,lost,back to blog, link, links,hover, button,image, photo, form position,form, customizer,error,form style, google plus, html, image, jquery, jquery form, linkedin, log in, login, login error, login form, login form plugin, logo, ogin page, plugin, role, security login, sideshow, social connect, social form, social share, style log in, style login, subscriber, themes, twitter, wordpress admin login, wordpress login, wp login form, wp-login, admin, branding, custom, customisation, customise, customize, dashboard, erident, form, login, logo,border, size ,hide error,own css, own look, page, pages, plugin, Post, posts,html,change ,logo, custom, transparent form Requires at least: 3.5 Tested up to: 4.5.2 Stable tag: 1.1 License: GPLv2 or later AS login you can fully customize wordpress login page. == Description == Create your own custom login page use this Plugin. Customize your login page as you choice. Plugin Features !!!!! 1.Easy to use.
2.Plugin on/off.
3.Change Logo Link.
4.Change Logo Width.
5.Unlimited custom logo.
6.Unlimited color.
7.Change Login box width.
8.Change text color and many more. == Installation == 1. Upload ‘as-login‘ folder to the ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory or Install as a regullar WordPress plugin 2. You will see a Option panel on your admin panel. == Screenshots == 1. installed in test server option demo 2. installed in test server plugin demo 3. installed in test server plugin demo 4. installed in test server plugin demo == Changelog == = 1.1 = Fix bug = 1.0 = * Initial Release