=== Article Directory Plugin === Contributors: Jeffrey Spitzer Tags: plugin, list, directory, articles, widget Requires at least: 2.3.1 Tested up to: 2.7.1 Stable tag: trunk Article Directory Plugin allows contributors to add articles to your WordPress blog. == Description == Article Directory Plugin for WordPress allows contributors to add articles to your WordPress blog. You have the control to allow or reject the article and publish it on your web site. Add customizable content to your WordPress blog in the shortest period of time. From user-friendly customization options to easy content creation process, Your Articles Directory prides itself in content authoring for your users... regardless of technical limitations. Our unique Article Directory System allows you to backfill your WordPress Blog with targeted content. = Functions of Article Directory Plugin = * For every user that syndicates through Article Dragons Network service you earn a portion of the fee collected. As well you will continue to earn from each and every user that you refer. * Publish articles, news and content specific information FAST and EASY. * Your article directory will grow each day with targeted content automatically * SEAMLESS MANAGEMENT-----total workflow management. Publish & approve articles simultaneously. * Support an UNLIMITED NUMBER of content contributors. * Rapid Install. No coding required = Latest change = * **1.0.3** * Error with pages not displaying once plugin was activated. Fixed * **1.0.6** * Added Email alerts for new Articles Submitted * **1.0.7** * Problem with articles not updating. Fixed * **1.0.8** * Problem with articles not updating on some article directories. Fixed * **1.0.9** * Updated script to be more CSS accessible via the style.css file * Found that the “All In One SEO Pack” is not compatible with the article directory plugin. The seo pack plugin basically rips apart the HTML generated by the article directory plugin and replaces key information like the title, descriptions, etc with empty values and or “This page can not be found” == Installation == 1. Unzip the downloaded package and upload into your WordPress plugins directory (/wp-content/plugins/). If you use WordPress 2.7 or later, you can install from admin page. 2. Go to plugins list and activate "Article Directory". 3. Go to the Article Directory Tab 4. Select the categories that you would like to display on your Wordpress Blog 5. Go to Appearance/Widgets and add the "Article Categories" and "Recent Articles" widgets