=== Last Year Widget === Contributors: peterwsterling Donate link: http://www.sterling-adventures.co.uk/blog/2007/08/03/last-year-wordpress-sidebar-widget-plugin/ Author URI: http://www.sterling-adventures.co.uk/ Plugin URI: http://www.sterling-adventures.co.uk/blog/2007/08/03/last-year-wordpress-sidebar-widget-plugin/ Tags: widget, archive Requires at least: 2.2 Tested up to: 2.8 Stable tag: trunk A plugin to add a sidebar widget that presents a list of posts from "this Day/Week/Month" last year. == Description == A plugin to add a sidebar widget that presents a list of posts from "this Day/Week/Month" last year. A feature of the sidebar that I like is the ability to "bring back" posts from the past. That is, the blog chronology constantly pushes great content into the archives. This sidebar widget, Last Year, brings posts from this day, week or month last year back to the fore! == Installation == * Just put the plug-in into your plug-in directory and activate it. * Then you can include the widget in your sidebar(s) using WordPress's Presentation -> Widgets administration page. * Options - bring back posts from this Day, Week or Month last year; last year, or all past years; display an author credit.