=== Article List Manager (arlima) === Contributors: @chredd, @znoid, @victor_jonsson, @lefalque Tags: CMS, e-paper, e-magazine, magazine, newspaper, frontpage, wysiwyg Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 3.5 Stable tag: 2.5.7 License: GPL2 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html This is a plugin suitable for online newspapers that's in need of a fully customizable front page. == Description == *This plugin was created by Swedish newspaper **Västerbottens-Kuriren** to give its editorial staff an easy to use tool for customizing the front pages of their online magazines. It's used on a daily basis at www.folkbladet.nu and www.vk.se, websites that together has over 200 000 unique visitors per week.* Here you can see a [screencast with a quick demonstration of the plugin](http://www.screenr.com/vB48). Here's [another screencast](http://www.screenr.com/E048) where you can see how Arlima works together with the plugins "Scissors Continued" and "Microkid's Related Posts". = Requirements = - Wordpress version >= 3.0 - PHP version >= 5.2 - Modern web browser, preferably Google Chrome. Arlima is tested successfully in the latest versions of Mozilla FF, Safari, Opera and Internet Explorer 9 (image upload does not work in internet explorer) = Wiki = Now you can read [the Arlima wiki](https://github.com/victorjonsson/Arlima/wiki/) to get more information about how to use this plugin == Installation == 1. Install Arlima via the WordPress.org plugin directory. 2. Go to "Article lists" -> "Edit lists" in wp-admin and create your first article list. 3. Open up a page (or create it) in wp-admin. Down to the right you will see a meta box labeled "Arlima" where you choose the list that you created on step 2. 4. Go to "Article lists" -> "Manage lists" and start stuffing your article list with interesting content. == Changelog == = 2.5.7 = - Arlima now compatible with WP version 3.5 = 2.5.5 = - Several small bugs in yesterday's release now fixed = 2.5 = - Total remake of the theme implementation. The page template should no longer be used. It will still work but is considered deprecated. - The plugin is now compatible with PHP version 5.2. - Now possible to insert article lists using a short code. - Direct use of the list rendering class is now considered deprecated. Use [arlima filters](https://github.com/victorjonsson/Arlima/wiki/Template-filters) instead. - Image upload with files having the extension .jpeg is now supported - Improved drag and drop image uploads - Improved responsiveness in the default CSS - Source code and documentation is now available on [github](https://github.com/victorjonsson/Arlima/) = 2.3.2 = - New feature: Click on the image container in the article editor and you will be able to select one of the post attachments as image for the Arlima article. - Fixed bug in example template. If your first installation of the Arlima plugin was version 2.3 you should switch the code in page-arlima.php (located in your theme) with the code in page-arlima-example.php = 2.3 = - New feature: Custom templates. It's now possible to change template on articles in a list. - New feature: Article formats (see section "Article formats" in the documentation). - Minor UI improvements (features becomes hidden if not supported by template) - Now using wordpress built in functions when resizing images in the example template. - CSS fixes, page template now works with theme twentytwelve. = 2.2.4 = - Final bug fix for corrupt publish dates on articles. - New feature: Sticky Articles. This feature makes it possible to create an article that always remains on the same position in the article list. You can also schedule when you want the article to be displayed for your visitors. The use case could be that you have a nice set of articles about your local restaurants. You know that your visitors interest in these articles is highest on Mondays around lunch time. Then you create a sticky article that you place on a suiteable spot in your article list and schedule the article to be displayed on Mondays 11-13. - New feature: Admin lock. This feature makes it possible for administrators to lock articles, preventing editors from changing the article. - and some other minor bug fixes... = 2.2.3 = - Important bug fix, article publish date corruption - Fixed minor bugs - Improved name of imported lists (import the lists once again to get the new name) - Bug fix in arlima article search = 2.2.2 = - Fixed bug that gave Arlima articles incorrect publish date - Fixed bug when importing RSS-feeds as Arlima lists - Now possible to see which articles that isn't published yet when looking at a list in arlima admin - It's now easier to modify the post search in arlima admin - and some other minor bug fixes... = 2.2 = - List editor informs users when login session has expired. - Improved performance, removed needless call to setup_postdata() when rendering articles. - Improved performance, the list rendering class will not load posts that is of type future unless you're previewing a list. - Added functions setOffset() and setLimit() to list rendering classes that makes it possible to limit the number of articles in a list that should be rendered. - Added property "created" to arlima articles holding a timestamp of when the article was created. - Future post callback will only fire when rendering a preview version of a list. - Removed the link "Read more..." from default jQuery template. - Minor bug fixes. = 2.1 = - Fixed bug that made it impossible to search for articles lists. - Fixed bug in Arlima_WPLoop. - Added an example template that can be copied to the theme directory when wanting to use jQuery templates in the ordinary Wordpress category loop. - Added callback that makes it possible to insert content in the end of the article. - A link to the list editor is now present in the menu bar. - Template variable "before_related" is no longer available in the jQuery template, now substituted with variable "article_end". = 2.0.2 = - Fixed bug that made it impossible to disconnect attachments from wordpress posts in the list editor - Removed log messages - Added event listener to Arlima.Manager(). Themes can now listen to certain events taking place in the list editor with javascript. = = - Improved preview window = 2.0.1 = - Fixed bug that gave incorrect version info when reloading article lists in the list editor. - Fixed bug that sometimes prevented the live update from taking place in the article preview. - Fixed bug that made it impossible to search for posts written by a certain author when excluding other authors from the search. - Added missing translations. = 2.0 = - Now possible to import article lists from other websites using Arlima. - Now possible to import RSS feeds as article lists. - Now possible to choose your own lists to be available for export. - You can now delete article lists. - Keyboard short cut for previewing an article list has changed from ctrl|cmd + v to ctrl|cmd + l. - Database interaction is now cached using Wordpress object cache (tip: install a cache plugin that overrides wordpress object cache for better performance). - Instantiation of the class Arlima_List is now considered deprecated, unless you want an empty list object. Use Arlima_ListFactory::load() to get existing Arlima lists. - arlima_get_version_info() is now deprecated, use Arlima_list::getVersionInfo(). - Big parts of the code is now refactored for easier maintenance in the future. - The "Arlima" prefix used in all class names is now changed to a more namespace like prefix. Some classes is still available using the old class names but is considered deprecated, those classes are ArlimaList, ArlimaWPLoop, ArlimaTemplateRenderer. - Several small bugs in the list editor is now fixed (keyboard short cuts in tinyMCE editor, incorrect list focus etc...). - Now possible to save list directly from preview window by pressing ctrl|cmd + s. - Changing post id for an article automatically updates the URL of the article, it also alerts info in case the post doesn't exist. - Added missing translations. = 1.0.6 - 1.1.9 = *Changelog removed...* = 1.0.5 = - First stable release. == Other notes == All documentation has moved to a user manual and developer manual that you can can read in [the Arlima wiki](https://github.com/victorjonsson/Arlima/wiki/) == Screenshots == 1. Article list editor in wp-admin