=== Approved Comments Only === Contributors: Gurmeet Singh Donate link: https://www.paypal.me/guruitengineer Tags: comments,approved,control,hide Tested up to: 4.6 Stable tag: 1.0.1 Restrict user to view the unapproved comments in dashboard. == Description == With this plugin you can restrict your users to view the unapproved comments in dashboard of multi-user site. Even you can restrict administrator and editor also. So, only the approved comments will be visible in the dashboard. == Installation == 1. Upload the *"approved-comments-only"* folder into the *"/wp-content/plugins/"* directory or Directly download *"approved-comments-only"* from WordPress Directory. 2. Activate the plugin through the *"Plugins"* menu in WordPress 3. See FAQ for usage == Frequently Asked Questions == = How does this works? = Visit the navigation in admin dashboard, you found a new box *"approved-comments-only"*. 1. Click on *"Approved Comments Only"* for the settings page. 4. Select User Levels to restrict to view unapproved comments. User CTRL for multiple selection. 5. Save Changes. = Do I need to add any shortcode? = No, You don't need to add any shortcode in your Website. = Can I restrict multiple users to view approved comments in dashboard? = Yes surely, You can restrict multiple users. == Screenshots == 1. The meta box in nav menu admin page == Changelog == = 1.0.1 = * 28 Aug 2016 * Second release = 1.0 = * 27 Aug 2016 * First release == Upgrade Notice == = V1.0.1 = 1. Hidden Comment table filter All/Pending/Approved/Trash/Spam removed.