=== Appmaker WooCommerce Mobile App Manager (Version 2) === Tags: appmaker,woocommerce,mobile,native,app,android,ios,appmaker.xyz Requires at least: 4.4 Tested up to: 4.5.2 Stable tag: 0.0.13 This Plugin is used to manage Android and iOS mobile app created for your WooCommerce store (Version 2) == Description == **This Plugin is used to connect your WooCommerce Store to Android and iOS mobile app created from [Appmaker.xyz Native WooCommerce App Creator](https://appmaker.xyz/woocommerce/)** Got any questions or need any help? Email us at [support@appmaker.xyz](mailto:support@appmaker.xyz). == Installation == 1. Create app for your WooCommerce store from https://appmaker.xyz/woocommerce. 2. Copy API KEY & API SECRET from Appmaker. 3. Install this plugin on your WooCommerce store. 4. Enter API KEY & API SECRET copied from appmaker in plugin settings. 5. Your app is ready to use ,You can now download/manage app from https://appmaker.xyz/dashboard. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Do you upload the app to store? = No. We provide signed APK and IPA files which you need to upload to store using your developer account. == Changelog == = 0.0.1 = * Beta Release = 0.0.13 = * Added password reset api