=== application-cache-plugin === Contributors: moolen Tags: HTML5, application cache, plugin, wordpress Requires at least: 3.0.1 Tested up to: 3.4 Stable tag: 4.3 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html This plugin creates a dynamic appcache manifest. == Description == This plugin creates a dynamic HTML5 application cache manifest for each site and blogpost of your wordpress blog. Features so far: - Sidebar-Widgets, Sites and Posts are cached. - The Index Site of your Blog gets fully cached. - Support for the Advanced Customfields Plugin (only tested w/ standard version + repeater plugin) - On "Save post" event a new Appcache manifest will be generated (so the clients will update the content) What this plugin can not do: - Cache youtube videos. - fix dead links == Installation == 1. Upload the appcache/ folder to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 3. Place `manifest="/wp-content/plugins/appcache/manifest.appcache.php?appcache_id="` in your header.php INSIDE the html tag. It should look like this: `` 4. test it (look below in the FAQ) 5. Thats it, but feel free to look at settings -> appcache in your admin interface. There are a few settings you can do == Frequently Asked Questions == = How to Debug / look at the appcache / Is it working? = Its easy in Google Chrome: - Debug by CMD+ALT+J for Javascript console. - You can see the events fired up by the appcache manifest. Read them carefully! - **If you get a HTTP 404 on any link to a img: the site wont get cached.** - type `chrome://appcache-internals/` in your addressbar to look at all HTML5-Cached Sites. - If nothing is there be sure to look at the manifest. If any error is thrown there please send me an email with a link to the manifest. == Screenshots == 1. Settings for the application-cache-plugin. The current theme folder gets cached by default. You can alse exclude filetypes (default is .less .sass) 2. Appcache-plugin in action (See the events "Application Cache Caced event") == Changelog == = 1.0 = * initial commit