=== AppFreeWeb Widget === Contributors: Blue Graphene Tags: iphone, apps, widget, app free, appfree, appfreeweb, app Requires at least: 2.2 Tested up to: 3.5.1 Stable tag: 1.0.0 License: GPLv2 or later Widget to display AppFreeWeb updates == Description == Adds a sidebar widget to display AppFreeWeb updates == Installation == Copy the '**appfreeweb**' folder to your WordPress '*/wp-content/plugins*' folder. 1. Activate the '*AppFreeWeb*' plugin in your WordPress admin '*Plugins*' 1. Go to '*Presentation / Widgets*' in your WordPress admin area. 1. Drag the '*AppFreeWeb*' widget to your sidebar. 1. Configure the options: 2. *Title*: the heading you want to appear above the Apps in the sidebar, defaults to 'Today's Bargains' 2. *Show*: the number of Apps shown, max 5 2. *Category*: Category of the apps to show, default 'All' 2. *Currency*: Currency to show the prices, required WordPress 2.0.x and 2.1.x users You guys should also be able use this widget if you install the [Widgets Plugin](http://automattic.com/code/widgets/). == Screenshots == 1. The options screen. == Legal == License: GPL This software comes without any warranty, express or otherwise == Other == Plugin URI: http://www.appfreeweb.com/widget/
Author: AppFreeWeb
Author URI: http://www.appfreeweb.com
== Version History == 1.0.0 Initial release