=== appear.in WP === Contributors: UaMV Donate link: http://vandercar.net/wp Tags: appear, in, video, chat, conference, webrtc Requires at least: 3.1 Tested up to: 3.8 Stable tag: 1.3 License: GPLv2 or later Adds appear.in rooms to your site via shortcode == Description == The appear.in WP plugin harnesses the power of [appear.in](http://appear.in "appear.in") allowing site owners to embed secure peer-to-peer video chat rooms on a self-hosted WordPress site via the [appear_in] shortcode. = Shortcode = > **[appear_in]**

> **[appear_in room="_custom-public-room-name_"]**
> **[appear_in type="_post,public,private_"]**
> **[appear_in post_invites="_0-7_" public_invites="_0-7_" private_invites="_0-7_"]**
= Settings = Custom settings for appear.in Wordpress are found on the Settings > Media admin page. * **Public Room Name:** define a public room name for default use in shortcode * **Enable/Disable email invitations upon entering room:** 0-7 invitations allowed The settings page includes the following basic usage stats per room type: * Number of rooms triggered * Number of invites sent * Number & percentage of invites accepted * Average number of participants per room If a public room name has not been explicitly defined in settings or shortcode, then the default public room expires daily. The 'post' room type will generate a public room with name of the current post. = Documentation = Documentation and sample implementation can also be found [here](http://vandercar.net/wp "appear.in WordPress Documentation"). Learn more about [appear.in](http://appear.in "appear.in") - a product of [Telenor Digital AS](http://www.telenor.com/ "Telenor Digital") built with WebRTC technologies. _Note: As of 2.6.2014, the appear.in API is still in beta. You may encounter minor bugs with your rooms._ = Functions = The following function can be used to include rooms: `aiwp_include( $args );` Default arguments: `$args = array( 'room' => '', 'type' => 'public', 'public_invites' => NULL, 'private_invites' => NULL, 'post_invites' => NULL, );` = Filters = `aiwp_public_room_button` `aiwp_private_room_button` `aiwp_unsupported_browser_message` `aiwp_public_invite_button` `aiwp_private_invite_button` `aiwp_public_invitation_subject` `aiwp_private_invitation_subject` `aiwp_public_invitation_message` `aiwp_private_invitation_message` == Installation == 1. Upload the `appear-in-wordpress` directory to `/wp-content/plugins/` 1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress == Frequently Asked Questions == Silence is golden. == Screenshots == 1. appear.in WordPress Settings == Changelog == = 1.3 = * Refined filters * Added room type parameter to shortcode (defaults to public) * Removed allowed types from options * Added number of allowable invites parameter to shortcode * Added room type 'post' * Added 'aiwp_include' function for use in themes * Fixed call to included files = 1.2 = * Minor readme edit to show correct version * Removed function used during development = 1.1 = * Adding repository images = 1.0 = * Initial Release == Upgrade Notice == = 1.3 = * Refined filters * Added room type parameter to shortcode (defaults to public) * Removed allowed types from options * Added number of allowable invites parameter to shortcode * Added room type 'post' * Added 'aiwp_include' function for use in themes * Fixed call to included files = 1.2 = * Minor readme edit to show correct version * Removed function used during development = 1.0 = * Initial Release