=== API for Poker Mavens === Contributors: hillplace Tags: Poker Mavens, Briggs Softworks, Briggs, Mavens, API Donate link: https://www.hillplace.info Requires at least: 4.8 Tested up to: 4.8 Stable tag: trunk License: GPLv2 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html This adds some basic Poker Mavens API support to a wordpress Website == Description == This program adds shortcodes for some basic Poker Mavens API functionality. They are based on the examples at https://www.briggsoft.com/docs/pmavens/API_Examples.htm on the Poker Mavens Support site. Shortcodes include: [pmapi_server_stats] - Adds the server stats. [pmapi_server_top10] - Adds the Top 10 Chip leaders example. [pmapi_userinfo] - Adds a page to update basic userinfo of the username that matches the username of the wordpress user. If there is no matching name on the Poker Mavens server, a page to create one will be shown. [pmapi_rawdata] - Outputs raw data (for testing purposes). [pmapi_login] - Adds a login username and password form. If user is logged in it will output a button to sign out and a button linking to the poker server. If logged in and there is no username on the poker server that matches the wordpress username, the api will create one. == Installation == upload the contents of the zip file to the plugins directory of your wordpress site. == Frequently Asked Questions == No questions have been asked yet. == Screenshots == 1. screenshot-1.jpg - Settings page 2. screenshot-2.jpg - API shortcode output == Changelog == 0.1.0 - First Release for feedback. == Upgrade Notice == Upgrade to ensure you have the most recent security updates.