=== Anyfeed Slideshow === Contributors: solei Donate link: Tags: slideshow, widget, rss, feed, picasa, flickr, slide show Requires at least: 2.8 Tested up to: 3.0.1 Stable tag: 1.0.2 Anyfeed Slideshow is a fully customizable slide show widget which displays a feed of images from any RSS or Atom feed provided to it. == Description == Anyfeed Slideshow is a plugin for Wordpress which adds a slide show widget to your library. This widget is fully customizable and will display a feed of images from any RSS or Atom feed provided to it. = About = The widget was designed from the ground up to be both very simple to use, while also being excessively customizable. The more complicated features are hidden by default, keeping the widget customization panel simple and obvious, while more advanced customization remains available at the click of a button. This plugin was originally written to be compatible with Wordpress from version 2.8 and up, though it may be compatible with older versions as the amount of interaction with Wordpress is fairly minimal. Wordpress' stock version of jQuery is employed for all animations and interactions. To see a demo of Anyfeed Slideshow in use, check [the blog on the creator's site](http://tixen.net/blog/). == Installation == 1. Unzip and upload the resulting folder to your hosting provider in the following directory: ` <wordpress root>/wp-content/plugins/ ` 2. Activate the Plugin in your Wordpress admin plugins page. 3. Add the Widget to your sidebar in the Appearance > Widgets section. == Frequently Asked Questions == = What feeds does Anyfeed Slideshow support? = It should support any feed- thus the name! If you find one it doesn't support, please let us know. = Why can't I enable the Cache option? = The Caching option in the Anyfeed Slideshow makes use of the system defined temp directory to store the cached feed files. Without access to that directory, the script can't store the file! = Where can I find support? = Check our [forum here on Wordpress](http://wordpress.org/tags/anyfeed-slideshow?forum_id=10). == Screenshots == 1. This should be the first thing you see when you add the widget. 2. The full widget control panel, including advanced configuration features. 3. By default, this is what the widget looks like when it's loading. 4. Images are centered, and stick to the top of the frame by default. 5. Mouseover pauses the slideshow, and provides Title information & navigation buttons. Clicking the image directs a user to the URL associated with the feed item (in a new window). == Changelog == = 1.0 = * Released. = 1.0.1 = * Fixed a bug which caused single image RSS feeds not to display. ([Bug Report](http://wordpress.org/support/topic/plugin-anyfeed-slideshow-newbie-help-with-slideshow?replies=10) by [nlee](http://wordpress.org/support/profile/nnlee)) * Adjusted the loading timer to ensure the Loading text does not temporarily overlap images. = 1.0.2 = * Changed the Feed downloader engine to use a passthrough proxy by default ([Bug Report](http://wordpress.org/support/topic/plugin-anyfeed-slideshow-trying-to-use-slide-show-plugin-with-picasa-feed?replies=4#post-1763795) by [ohippyday](http://wordpress.org/support/profile/ohippyday)) * Updated the widget controls to disable the caching option for Host configurations in which it will not work. == Upgrade Notice == = 1.0.1 = Please upgrade to 1.0.1 if you are experiencing trouble with: * RSS feeds containing only one image * Loading text overlapping loaded images = 1.0.2 = Please upgrade to version 1.0.2 if you are experiencing trouble with: * PHP errors citing insufficient permissions * Blank, non starting slideshows