documentation-schema.txt A.N.R.GHG Publishing Helper plugin for WordPress @since 0.9.0 @since 0.24.6 Current version. Customized documentation schema ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ In community-based, open source projects, it is important to comprehensively recognize, acknowledge and document how developers, testers and users helped build the product. Consistently, contributors and reporters are given credit, no matter if they contributed code to—or reported for—the project at stake, or other projects. That brings the need to disambiguate `@contributor` and `@reporter` tags, by appending an asterisk if a contribution to another project is reused in this project, and the other project is acknowledged for any code that was already in there, and is reused here, or two asterisks for reports and contributions to another project, known due to contributing to the other project. Examples: @contributor** @userid; @reporter** @userid; @courtesy** @userid Note: Per the WordPress Coding Standards, the `@author` tag must not be used. For other acknowledgments, in particular if an author’s WordPress User ID is unknown, `@courtesy` is used. PHPDOC tag: Role: Acknowledgment in the changelog: ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ @contributor Provided code. “thanks to @USERID code contribution.” @contributor Provided design. “thanks to @USERID design contribution.” @contributor Provided content. “thanks to @USERID design contribution.” @reporter Reported a bug. “thanks to @USERID bug report.” @reporter Reported an issue. “thanks to @USERID issue report.” @reporter Requested a feature. “thanks to @USERID issue report.” (!) @reporter Provided feedback. “thanks to @USERID feedback.” @reporter Provided an example. “thanks to @USERID example provision.” @user Allowed insight. “thanks to @USERID use case.” @accountable Edited the codebase. - @committer Uploaded a version. - PHPDOC tags & custom tags ‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾‾ ▲ Source for standard tags: @access @author @copyright @deprecated @example @ignore @internal @link @see @since @tutorial @version inline {@internal}} inline {@inheritdoc} inline {@link} Sidepane: phpDocumentor tags @abstract @access @author @category @copyright @deprecated @example @final @filesource @global @ignore @internal @license @link @method @name @package @param @property @return @see @since @static @staticvar @subpackage @todo @tutorial @uses @var @version phpDocumentor Inline tags inline {@example} inline {@id} inline {@internal}} inline {@inheritdoc} inline {@link} inline {@source} inline {@toc} inline {@tutorial} ▲ Tags required/recommended/prohibited by WordPress coding standard: Note: The only tag added from draft PSR-5 recommendations is @type. @access @author [PROHIBITED] @copyright @deprecated @global @ignore @internal @license @link @method @package @param @return @see @since @static @staticvar @subpackage @todo @type @uses @var ▲ Tag used in WordPress theme docblocks: @hooked ▲ Tags added by PHPStan: @extends @implements @template ▲ Tags supported in Atom TextMate found in VS Code 1.47.3: /usr/share/code/resources/app/extensions/php/syntaxes/php.tmLanguage.json Note the 4 tags appended to the list, hence initially missing. @api @abstract @author @category @copyright @example @global @inherit[Dd]oc @internal @license @link @method @property(-(read|write))? @package @param @return @see @since @source @static @subpackage @throws @todo @var @version @uses @deprecated @final @ignore MISSING TAGS: - wrt phpDocumentor: @access @filesource @id @name @staticvar @toc @tutorial @usedby - wrt WordPress: @type - wrt PHPStan: @extends @implements @template ▲ List up-to-date for the project this file is included in: - standard/WP/PHPStan: @api @abstract @access @author @category @copyright @deprecated @example @extends @filesource @final @global @hooked @id @ignore @implements @inherit[Dd]oc @internal @license @link @method @name @package @param @property(-(read|write))? @return @see @since @source @static @staticvar @subpackage @template @throws @toc @todo @tutorial @type @usedby @uses @var @version - custom: @accountable @bib @biblio @callback @commit @committer @contributor @courtesy @date @datetime @done @lastmodified @modified @publisher @reporter @revision @timestamp @user ▲ Config (original, missing and added tags), example of VS Code. /usr/share/code/resources/app/extensions/php/syntaxes/php.tmLanguage.json original: abstract|api|author|category|copyright|deprecated|example|final|global|ignore|inherit[Dd]oc|internal|license|link|method|package|param|property(-(read|write))?|return|see|since|source|static|subpackage|throws|todo|uses|var|version missing: |access|filesource|id|name|staticvar|toc|tutorial|usedby WordPress: |type|hooked PHPStan: |extends|implements|template custom: |accountable|bib|biblio|callback|commit|committer|contributor|courtesy|date|datetime|done|lastmodified|modified|publisher|reporter|revision|timestamp|user