=== AMP Author Box === Contributors: nmvdvjr Tags: AMP, Accelerated Mobile Pages, Author box, structured data, JSON-LD Requires at least: 4.5.3 Tested up to: 4.7 Stable tag: 1.0.3 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Extends the AMP plugin (Automattic) by adding a customizable, handsome and Structured Data marked up author box to your website. == Description == Authors need love, also in your AMP posts! Having an attractive author section makes stuff just a little warmer on the web and with your contact information prominently featured you'll connect to your readers/customers all the better. Select the options you want in the plugin options page, which will produce some new fields in your profile page where you will be enable to add: - Up to 4 social media accounts - Link to website - Link to Wordpress profile - Icon with email link - Author name (standard, linking to author archive) - Short description (standard) - and Avatar if available You can give it some personal flavour by setting a custom color to the links in the AMP Author Box. Furthermore all information is passed to the Author property in the generated JSON-LD code. In addition to the 'name' property is added: - sameAS (social media accounts and Wordpress profile) - email - description - url (for website) And just for fun we have added the option to implement 3 property-value instances of your own, if you so desire. See screenshot 4. Since there's no use in having different author boxes for regular and AMP content you are able to use it on both with the tick of a single checkbox. Structured data of this box is marked up by use of schema.org markup. For your convenience we provide handy Google Structured Data Testing Tool and AMP validation tool bookmarklets from within the plugin options page. We have made this plugin with performance in mind, options you don't want won't be used. Plugin does not use Javascript or images, icons are rendered via HTML symbols. > We aim to provide you with a usefull plugin, if in any way you experience difficulties or inconsistencies kindly [let us > know](https://jaaadesign.nl/en/blog/amp-author-box/), thank you! This plugin is actively maintained but will not be supported. I will however try to answer any questions in the comment section of the [plugin website](https://jaaadesign.nl/en/blog/amp-author-box/) and create a FAQ here in the repository. With thanks to [wpbeginner.com](http://www.wpbeginner.com/) for their excellent tutorials. Be sure to check out our other AMP plugins! == Installation == 1. Upload and activate plugin 2. Visit the plugin options page and choose your options 3. Head over to your profile page and drop in your information == Frequently Asked Questions == None yet. == Changelog == = 1.0 = Release date: November 12th, 2016 = 1.0.3 = Release date: December 20th, 2016 * Fix rendering icon in repository * Added icon retina support * Update to 4.7 == Upgrade Notice == == Screenshots == 1. Rendering of the author box 2. plugin's options page 3. New fields in author profile page 4. Rendering of the JSON-LD structured data via Google Structured Data Testing Tool Live demo at the bottom of [this page](https://jaaadesign.nl/en/blog/amp-author-box/amp/)