=== amoForms === Contributors: amoCRM Tags: shortcode, widget, widgets, plugin, page, pages, post, posts, wordpress, admin, administration, api, captcha, cms, code, comment, contact form, css, easy, embed, event, events, form, forms, free, html, html5, integration, plugins, crm, contact, contacts, amocrm, amoforms, amoform, contact button, contact form builder, contact form plugin, contact form to email, contact form with recaptcha, contact us, drag and drop contact form, file upload contact form, easy contact form, feedback, feedback form, form builder, form solution, helpdesk, request form, responsive contact form Requires at least: 4.0 Tested up to: 4.3 Stable tag: 2.16.1 License: GPLv2 or later Create forms and manage submissions easily with a simple interface. Contact forms, subscription forms, or any other form for WordPress. == Description == [*English*](https://wordpress.org/plugins/amoforms/) - [*Español*](https://goo.gl/7L42FS) - [*Русский*](https://goo.gl/cdvs4R) AmoForms is the easiest way to build any form you need for your WordPress website. No more messing with code or worries about limitations. Create any form you want, when you want with a simple drag and drop interface provided by the very powerful amoForms framework. This contact form builder will equally fit the needs of the beginners and experienced developers and designers. The product has cross-browser compatibility, which means that Contact form can be used in any browser. Amoform is one of the best responsive form builders in WordPress Plugin Directory. Amoform is a fresh and innovative form builder designed for generating various kinds of forms. The back end of Amoform is essential and easy to use, with no need of advanced programming skills. Amoform uses a number of customizable themes. You can choose the design of the form to fit your website/webpage. To choose the best fitting form design, you can first preview created forms changing the form theme and pressing preview button. This form builder can be used for creating simple forms, survey forms and questionnaires, registration and application forms and etc. To make the process of creating forms easier, the package includes a list of pre-installed forms for different purposes. There is a possibility of saving those forms as copies and editing them to fit your needs. = Features = * WordPress 4.0+ * Absolutely no limitations to the number of forms, fields, actions, or submissions * Submit your form with AJAX * Responsive layout and design * 6 editable themes for different form designs * Possibility to include required field option to receive specific information from the form submitter * Possibility to receive the filled forms to the admin and form submitter (if applicable) emails * Data validation for all form fields while submitting the form * Possibility to preview the form, as well as form themes * Detailed Amoform User Manual describing form installation process, detailed form field descriptions, the process of inserting created form into your site and other details for the Form Users * Required form fields * Possibility to customize button styles used in the form * Form Pagination possibility * Customizable themes to edit the design of the forms * Possibility to edit the form titles whenever required * Possibility to create forms based on the default forms with the “Duplicate” button * Page redirect possibility after the form is submitted, allowing to navigate not only to specific pages (e.g. including other forms) or to another site (providing URL) * Possibility to have pre-filled texts serving as instructions for the textarea and other text fields * Date picker in the form of drop-down menu for easier date selection * Upload file field * Many form fields with detailed parameters for creating forms: 2. *Text Input form fields (included 9 different types)* - Simple text to add a limited input field into the form - Text area allowing to shrink the text form field wherever the text is longer than the field itself - Name form field - Company form field - Address form field - E-mail for providing emails (gets validated for the type during the form submission) - URL for providing url (gets validated for the type) - Number for numerical form field - Phone form field with a possibility to add the mask field 2. *Custom select and multiselect (drop-down lists)* 2. *Date form fields with a possibility of adding date pickers for registration forms, booking and similar forms* 2. *Checkbox for single choices questions in the form* 2. *Radio button for single choice questions in the form* 2. *Captcha for using safer forms* 2. *Section Line for creating multi-section forms* 2. *Heading form field allows to set name of form* == Installation == This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working. * Upload amoForm folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory. * Activate the contact form plugin in the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress. * Contact form tab will appear on the bottom left of the WordPress dashboard. * Just click on the contact form tab and your online contact form builder will appear. * Now simple create your contact form and save it. * Copy the shortcode. It is used like so: [amoforms id="1"] * Paste it in any page to display the created form. == Frequently Asked Questions == = How do I create a form? = 1. In the left-hand menu press amoform ->Add form 1. A test form with 3 custom fields will open 1. If necessary you can add other fields by dragging them or by clicking on the corresponding fields in the right-hand menu. 1. The order of the fields can be changed by simply dragging and dropping them to a specific place. 1. Settings of each field can be changed by simply clicking on Edit in the field 1. In the pop-up window with the Settings you can add description, position where the description will be shown relative to the field, default value and a placeholder 1. In the upper menu you can change the design of the form by choosing from the 6 available options or create your own form design changing field's name position relative to the field itself, field's from, frame, font and background where any picture can be uploaded. 1. In order to see the result you'll need to go to Form Preview page = How to post the form on the page? = 1. To put the form on the webpage or a post, indicate the email to which results of the form will be sent. 1. To do that go to Email Settings page and add the Name, to which emails will be sent, subject line and Email to the corresponding fields. 1. Afterwards Shortcode will appear in the right-hand menu of the Edit fields page. 1. Copy and paste it to the chosen page. 1. Or go directly to the page on which you want to post the form, press Add form and choose the needed one from the list of created forms. = How to set up Confirmation? = 1. Go to Form Settings page 1. In Confirmation section choose needed confirmation form: plain text, redirection of the user to WP page or other website. = What are amoForms most commonly used for? = 1. amoFroms can be used to create different types of forms, including contacts, evaluation, applications, research, interactive order forms and etc. 2. amoForms include different types of fields, which can be changed and edited. = Which PHP version is supported? = PHP 5.4 and later. = Plugin does not work? = Try reinstall the plugin. == Screenshots == 1. The left menu is your access point for all Forms. We've already created your first contact form so that you have an example. You can also create your own by clicking Add Form. 2. Configuring field item options 3. Basic Field Settings 4. List Options 5. Options Columns 6. Design themes 7. Name Position 8. Field Form 9. Borders 10. Font 11. Form Background 12. Configuring field item options 13. Preview form 14. Form Settings allows you to change form's name, status and confirmation == Changelog == = 2.16.1 = * Fixed a bug with forms blocking = 2.16.0 = * Added fixed fields ID = 2.15.11 = * Added plugin description in Spanish and Russian * Added registration in Spanish = 2.15.10 = * Added badge "Setup" when the plugin is not connected to amoCRM or need to update API key in settings * Updated amoForms logo = 2.15.9 = * Added new short tags = 2.15.8 = * Updated email settings = 2.15.7 = * Small fixes = 2.15.4 = * Stretched textarea = 2.15.3 = * Short open tag fix = 2.15.2 = * Added submit loader * Fixed design paddings = 2.15.1 = * Email settings fixes * Form padding fixes = 2.15.0 = * Added mask for phone field * New Email Settings page for quick registration * Fixed display form on the page * Fixed color picker = 2.14.1 = * Performance improvements = 2.14.0 = * Transparent Background Color * Fast Form Submit * Fixed multiselect values with files * Fixed themes = 2.12.0 = * Automatic creation of custom fields in the amoCRM account. = 2.11.9 = * Bugfixes. = 2.11.8 = * Added background removing. * New button for adding form. = 2.11.7 = * CSS bugfix. = 2.11.6 = * CSS bugfix. = 2.11.5 = * Improvements. = 2.11.0 = * Introducing reCaptcha! * Added the ability to upload your background images for forms. = 2.10.4 = * Improvements. = 2.10.1 = * Improved file uploading. = 2.10.0 = * Introducing File Uploading! = 2.9.5 = * Creating multiple forms! * Duplicating and deleting forms. * Form border settings. = 2.9.0 = * Introducing Design Themes for your form. * Advanced form style settings. = 2.7.0 = * New beautiful form view. * Fields duplication feature. = 2.6.0 = * New fields types: Checkbox, Instructions, Line. * Submit button customization. = 2.5.0 = * New fields types: Heading, Select, Multiselect, Radio, Date. = 2.0.0 = * New beautiful and fast interface. = 1.1.0 = * Added new field types: Phone, Company, Text, Number, Date, URL, Address. * Added new option for fields: Default value. * Email and name of current user will automatically used for Email Settings. = 1.0.1 = * Readme update. = 1.0.0 = *Release Date - 12th August, 2015* * First version released.