=== WP Attachments === Contributors: Milmor Tags: attach, attachments, automatic, editor, page, post, cool, clean, better, media, file, word, excel, pdf, xls, doc, show, post, page, fast, simple, simply, easy, media, files, list, plugin, related, shortcode, uploaded, simple Requires at least: 3.3 Tested up to: 3.6 Version: 3.1 Stable tag: 3.1 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Automatically shows your attachments under every post and page content. Cool. Automatic. Simple. As it has to be! == Description == This plugin automatically shows every file attached to a page or post under its content. Every time we upload a file in our wordpress website, we should insert a link into the text area in order to show the file attached. This process is sometimes a waste of time and, expecially for government or school websites where the main information is based on files rather than 'post content', this plugin give a great added value! Once activated, every page, post or custom post type will show the list of the attachments uploaded there. The plugin includes some great options to personalize/localize the front-end. More options and functions will be added soon! = Upcoming Features = * Fast and intuitive attachments edit for backend * More customization Please note that this is pratically a new plugin continuously updated focused on semplicity, intuitiveness and cleanness. = Translation = While the plugin backend is in English, you can customize the front-end strings in the WP-Attachments option panel. = Help & Support = For any information or support feel free to contact me (**milesimarco AT outlook DOT com**) or use the Wordpress support forum. == Installation == 1. Install the plugin either via the WordPress.org plugin directory, or by uploading the files to your server 2. After activating, you've all done. If you want to personalize/localize the front-end, please have a look to Settings -> WP Attachments == Screenshots == 1. The automatic list created 2. Simple and intuitive options == Changelog == = Version 3.1 15/09/2013 = * **Fixed** missing icon for images * **Added** option to exclude images from being listed * **Improved** settings page layout = Version 3.0.4 24/08/2013 = * **Readme** minor changes = Version 3.0.3 23/08/2013 = * **Improved** Css appearance = Version 3.0.2 23/08/2013 = * **Fixed** activation error: unespected output - 1 charater = Version 3.0.1 22/08/2013 = * **Fixed** missing external shortcode rendering * **Fixed** reduntant css code * **Improved** loop * List header doesn't show up anymore for empty attachments = Version 3.0 22/08/2013 = * **Added** Css for showing icons * **Added** file size * **Added** attachment data * **Added** options panel = Version 2.0 04/07/2013 = * First functional release. Enjoy! = Version 1.0 07/01/2012 = * First Release