=== Amazon Link Engine === Contributors: GeoRiot Networks, Inc. Tags: javascript, georiot, amazon Requires at least: 2.7 Tested up to: 4.0 Stable tag: 1.0.1 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Automatically localize and affiliate Amazon product links to ensure a better user experience, improve conversions and earn global commissions. == Description == The Amazon Link Engine plugin is the easiest way to convert all Amazon links within your WordPress site into affiliated links that work across all [Amazon storefronts](https://affiliate-program.amazon.com/gp/associates/help/t22/a13). By "Localizing" these links, you ensure all clicks from international viewers, are redirected to the appropriate item in their own local storefront with your correct affiliate ID attached. This improves conversions by giving the best user experience possible and allows you to earn the international affiliate commissions that you deserve. = How is GeoRiot different? = Most link "localization" plugins only translate a link for an international click when the same product ID exists in both storefronts. The team at GeoRiot has found, however, that oftentimes the same item in different storefronts has a completely different product ID. In addition, even if the ID does match, the product may be an overpriced "import" item or may never be in stock. To address this, GeoRiot matches on more than just the product id to ensure every click gets to the best possible destination. The Amazon Link Engine plugin uses GeoRiot’s patented five-step algorithm to dig deep into Amazon’s stores to find the best possible result. This algorithm uses the metadata available from each product to match across storefronts and ensure that the user is sent to the most relevant product. So instead of sending your users to blank search results, we guarantee the best possible user experience. In addition, connecting your GeoRiot account to the Amazon Link Engine, gives you access to comprehensive reporting on clicks and commissions that no other plugin can offer. These reports allow you to review your link’s performance across many metrics including product type, referrer, browser, device, operating system, destination storefront, and geography. = How does the Amazon Link Engine plugin work? = As soon as the plugin is installed, your Amazon links are instantly localized every time a user loads the page. Even if you add new links to your WordPress site, each will be automatically converted without any additional work from you. Nothing else is needed on your part. = How do I earn commissions from my links? = To earn affiliate commissions, you first need to [create a free GeoRiot account](http://www.georiot.com/Sign-Up), and connect it to your plugin (detailed instructions can be found in the FAQ). Next, add and manage your affiliate tracking parameters for each of the Amazon Associates programs you’ve signed up for within the GeoRiot Dashboard. Once your parameters are added, the Amazon Link Engine will automatically add the correct affiliate ID per country for each click. Note: You don’t need to create a GeoRiot account, nor add your affiliate parameters to use this plugin. If you’re only interested in giving your international readers a better experience, this plugin can still be used to make sure each click gets redirected to their local storefront. = Key Features: = * Automatic localization and translation of all Amazon links based off a visitor’s location. * Maximize revenue by earning commissions from all of the Amazon Associates programs. * Simple, easy to use interface. * One time configuration. Simply install the plugin, set up your GeoRiot account, and connect the two with an API key. We take care of the rest. * No need to sign up for an Amazon Developer account or apply for any of Amazon’s APIs or web tools. * Your workflow remains the same. No need to learn a new linking syntax, or disrupt your current flow. = What makes the Amazon Link Engine different from other Affiliate WP plugins? = * Most plugins for Amazon links simply try to match based on ASIN (product ID) across foreign storefronts. The Amazon Link Engine uses a patented algorithm to get your users to the best possible destination. * This in turn helps to both increase conversions and commissions, as well improve the user experience for your audience. * Completely free support from the GeoRiot team for the Associate’s Programs. * No need to build links manually with a special link format. All of your links are automatically converted to localized links when the page loads. * Always free. You never need to give us a credit card or send payment. GeoRiot only makes money when it helps you make more money. == Installation == There are three easy steps to get the most value from the Amazon Link Engine. = To install the plugin: = 1. Install the Amazon Link Engine plugin using the WordPress Plugin Installer here. 1. Activate the plugin through the "Plugins" menu in your WordPress Dashboard. 1. Once installed, your links will automatically be localized from then on. = To get detailed reporting: = 1. If you don’t have an account already, [create a free GeoRiot account](http://www.georiot.com/Sign-Up). 1. After signing in, navigate to the Account page and create a new API token. 1. Copy the API Key and API Secret into your Amazon Link Engine plugin. = To earn international commissions: = 1. If you have already added your Affiliate parameters to your GeoRiot account, you’re good to go. 1. If you haven’t already, sign up for the [Amazon Associates programs](http://associates.amazon.com) you’d like to earn commissions from (instructions on how to sign up can be found on [our site](http://support.georiot.com/support/solutions/articles/3000013792-how-to-sign-up-for-the-amazon-associates)). 1. Once approved for the various Amazon Associates programs, jump into your GeoRiot dashboard and click on "Affiliate" tab. Then, click "Connect an affiliate program" button and paste in your IDs. Select the appropriate country, then click save. Once saved into the dashboard your links will start using the appropriate affiliate parameters with each click. == Frequently Asked Questions == = What is GeoRiot = GeoRiot is a link management platform that maximizes your potential Amazon Associates revenue by globalizing and affiliating your Amazon Links. GeoRiot hopes to change the way online commerce is conducted by providing its clients with intelligent links that automatically route customers to the correct product within their own local storefront. = Do I need a GeoRiot Account to use this plugin? = No, you do NOT need a GeoRiot account to use the Amazon Link Engine plugin. As soon as you download the free plugin, all of your links will be automatically localized, and your customers will be routed to the product in their local storefront. However, if you want to add your affiliate parameters, you will need a GeoRiot account. = How do I get my API keys? = To get your GeoRiot API Keys, follow these simple steps: 1. If you do not have a GeoRiot account, [create a free account](http://www.georiot.com/Sign-Up). 1. Log into your GeoRiot Dashboard, and navigate to the to the Account Tab. 1. Click the "plus" sign to get your API keys. 1. Next, simply copy and paste the "Key" and "Secret" codes into the "Enable Reporting and Commissions" area of the plugin. **Please note: It may take up to 3 minutes for new keys to become available for use after adding them to your dashboard. 1. Once pasted, your GeoRiot account will be automatically connected. = Do I have to pay for GeoRiot? = No, you never need to give us a credit card or make payments to use the GeoRiot Service. The service is always free. At GeoRiot, clicks are our currency, and we earn money the way you do – through international affiliate programs. With our ["Click Share"](http://www.georiot.com/our-solution/pay-with-clicks) payment model, we simply take a maximum of 15% of your total clicks from the additional international clicks that we help you monetize. Please note: By default, GeoRiot's affiliate parameters will be used until you have added your own via the GeoRiot dashboard. Please [contact GeoRiot](mailto:contact@georiot.com) if you have any questions. = Do I need to update the JavaScript myself? = No, the A.L.E. plugin is instantly pulled from a remote server each time your page loads, which means that the snippet is always up to date. If we update the code from our end, it will instantly be updated on your website upon page load. = How do I earn International Commissions? = First, connect the plugin to your GeoRiot account (see "How do I get my API keys?"). Then, follow the steps below: 1. Add your Amazon Affiliate parameters to your GeoRiot dashboard. Instructions on how to do this can be found [here](http://support.georiot.com/support/solutions/articles/71867-add-existing-affiliate). *Note: If you’ve already done this within your existing GeoRiot account, you do not need to add your parameters again. 1. You’re all set! You’ll start earning international commissions from anything purchased in Amazon’s international storefronts. = Is the Amazon Link Engine compatible with other affiliate tools? = Skimlinks: The Amazon Link Engine plugin works perfectly with Skimlinks. VigLink: The VigLink plugin, however, will overwrite the ALE and not allow your links to be globalized if it has already been installed. If you are currently using this plugin, you simply need to deactivate it from your Wordpress site, download and activate the Amazon Link Engine plugin, and then reactivate the Viglink plugin. Once this is done, the plugins will work seamlessly together. Amazon Publisher Studio: The Amazon Publisher Studio tool is unfortunately not compatible with this version of the ALE plugin. == Screenshots == 1. Plugin setup (optional). == Changelog == = 1.0 = * Initial release == Upgrade Notice == = 1.0 = * Initial release