=== Alt Manager === Contributors: wpsaad, arabianmido, freemius Tags: alt attribute, alt tag, Alt Text, Google images, alt, seo, images seo, image title, title attribute,title tag , product Requires at least: 2.8.0 Tested up to: 6.1 Requires PHP: 5.2.4 Stable tag: 1.5.2 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html == Description ==

Alt Manager WordPress plugin bulk changes WordPress images Alt and Title attributes text and generate empty values on your (Homepage - Pages - Posts - Blog )[Free Version] (Products - Shop page - Custom Post Type - Custom Post Type archive page)[Premium Version] separately to several dynamic related values, This plugin is a full solution for generating alt and title values.

This Plugin bulk changes images Alt and Title attributes immediately on your website front end, you don’t need to change image info on media library.

Why Alt Manager?

Works like a charm
It’s perfect, this is what I needed. Now my site SEO score is really high. Thank you!

Very useful plugin
It does exactly what I was looking for.

Why Images SEO performance on search engines?

Images SEO performance is so important on search engines like Google images to bring traffic to your website as its shows your website images on related keywords.

Google Images uses alt text to connect images to the right keywords on Google images. also when your images come on a keyword at Google images it brings also the page URL where this images found.

That's why Alt Manager comes with dynamic related alt and title to give your website images the best performance on Google images and also to improve your website SEO performance on Google insights and other search engines.

Plugin Features

Alt And Title Supported Values

Free Version Supported Types

Premium Version Supported Types

Got any issues:

Contact via Plugin support forums.

Premium Version Support

Upgrade to premium Version

== Installation ==

Just install the plugin on your WordPress website and then you will be able to generate, change and manage images Alt and Title text attributes through Alt Manager settings on admin dashboard.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

This plugin makes your website Images SEO friendly with adding alt and title text that describes your images

Just install and activate the plugin then enjoy the simple settings on WordPress admin dashboard that controls alt and title attributes

== Screenshots == 1. Alt Manager Admin settings == Changelog == = 1.3.0 = * Fixed empty alt and title. * Added homepage latest posts default settings. = 1.4.0 = * Fixed cache bug. * added multiselect options. * added image attachment values to options. * added Site Description to supported values. = 1.4.3 = * Fixed admin multiselect issue. * Fixed Beaver Builder conflict. = 1.4.5 = * Fixed attachment caption. = 1.5.0 = * Added Generate Only Empty Alt Tags. * Added Generate Only Empty Title Tags.