=== ALO Export Xls === Contributors: eventualo Donate link: http://www.eventualo.net/ Tags: csv, xls, excel, export Requires at least: 2.6.3 Tested up to: 2.8.4 Stable tag: 0.1 A plugin to generate XLS files (MS Excel / OpenOffice Calc) from WP database's tables. == Description == The plugin lets you to generate XLS files from WP database's tables, with these features: * you can select the table to export (users, posts, comments, links) * 'posts' and 'users' choises can include meta data too Future releases will allow you to: * save export templates with your settings (for each template: tables, fields, labels and so on) * name the cols' labels (eg. "title" instead of default "post_title") * choose the fields of each table to export * choose other tables besides the WP core tables (eg. tables of plugin) == Installation == 1. Upload `alo-exportxls` directory to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 1. Go to `Tools > Alo Export Xls` to start == Frequently Asked Questions == = Which WP's database tables can I export in Excel? = For the moment only these ones: posts (with/without meta), users (with/without meta), links, comments. Other tables in future releases. = Why did you make this plugin when we can use tools like phpMyAdmin? = Because some customers are not so familiar with phpMyAdmin, queries... and they prefer using an easy tool in backend. = When the next release with the X feature? = I hope soon, please don't worry... == Screenshots == 1. The Alo-ExportXls panel == Changelog == = 0.1 = * First release