=== Affiliate Link Cloaker === Contributors: joebrewer Donate link: http://www.brewsterware.com/affiliate-link-cloaker-wordpress-plugin.html Tags: affiliate link, link cloaking, hyperlinks, text links, links, affiliate, affiliate marketing, advertising Requires at least: 3.1.2 Tested up to: 3.6.1 Stable tag: 1.00.04 A plugin that generates geo targeted cloaked affiliate links. == Description == This plugin generates geo targetted cloaked affiliate links. These links can be placed into content manually or if a keyword/phrase is specified, links will be added into content automatically. This plugin relies on the Region Detect plugin to do the geo targetting. == Installation == 1. This first step is optional, but it does make the plugin much more powerful - download and install the Region Detect plugin. 1. Extract the zip file and just drop the contents in the wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation. 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' page. == Frequently Asked Questions == == Screenshots == Screen shots of the options page with detailed explanations of the options can be found on the [Affiliate Link Cloaker support page](http://www.brewsterware.com/affiliate-link-cloaker-wordpress-plugin.html) == Changelog == = 1.00.00 = * Initial version. = 1.00.01 = * Minor interface tweaks. = 1.00.02 = * Added the ability to specify multiple keywords/phrases per cloaked link. = 1.00.03 = * Added the ability to specify case sensitivity of keywords * Removes entries from the redirect log when count redirects check box is unchecked * Added option to show graph that displays redirects for the current month = 1.00.04 = * Support for wordpress multisite * Improved link insertion algorithm - words/phrases inside existing links, image tags and headings are ignored * Option to specify a css class for the affiliate link * Option to exclude specific posts from using specific links * Option to exclude specific pages from using specific links * Better security - all forms now use nonces == Upgrade Notice == = 1.00.00 = This is the initial version. = 1.00.01 = Minor interface tweaks. = 1.00.02 = Added the ability to specify multiple keywords/phrases per cloaked link. = 1.00.03 = Added the ability to specify case sensitivity of keywords Automatically deletes entries from the redirect log when count redirects check box is unchecked Added option to show graph that displays redirects for the current month = 1.00.04 = * Support for wordpress multisite * Improved link insertion algorithm - words/phrases inside existing links, image tags and headings are ignored * Option to specify a css class for the affiliate link * Option to exclude specific posts from using specific links * Option to exclude specific pages from using specific links * Better security - all forms now use nonces