=== AJdG User Cleaner === Contributors: adegans Tags: users, delete, delete users, user, accounts, delete accounts, register, user registration, registration, protection, woocommerce, bbpress Donate link: https://www.arnan.me/donate.html Requires at least: 4.9 Tested up to: 6.4.3 Requires PHP: 5.7 Stable tag: 1.0.6 License: GPLv3 Delete any useless newly registered accounts on a daily schedule. == Description == If you have a lot of people (or bots) registering on your site that end up doing nothing with their account they may as well be deleted. **AJdG User Cleaner** works on a daily schedule to check and delete unused accounts that registered 2 weeks before. This means that the new registrant has 2 weeks to do something with their account. Doing something means; post a comment, create a page or create a blogpost. Additionally **AJdG User Cleaner** supports WooCommerce and bbPress. If the user creates an order in WooCommerce or a topic or reply in bbPress the account is not deleted. If either WooCommerce or bbPress is not active those will not count towards deleting the users. This works very simple, **AJdG User Cleaner** checks applicable accounts for the required activities. The simplicity of the plugin also means that no warning or notification is given when deleting accounts. Accounts are not placed in a trash bin. Deleting of accounts is permanent. = Features = * Daily delete unused accounts * Check if the user has created a post or page * Check if the user has replied to a post (eg. placed a comment) * Supports WooCommerce checks if the account has orders * Supports bbPress checks if topics and replies are posted by the account * Sends an email to the administration email address with how many accounts were deleted that day == Installation == 1. Navigate to Plugins > Add New in your dashboard. 2. Search for 'AJdG User Cleaner' or 'Arnan User Cleaner' in the plugin database and click install on the **AJdG User Cleaner** plugin. 3. Activate **AJdG User Cleaner** when done. 4. Useless users will be deleted in the background from now on. This plugin has no settings. == Frequently Asked Questions == = I have other activities not covered by this plugin = **AJdG User Cleaner** does not check for other activities. So the user may be deleted. = How do I know the plugin works = **AJdG User Cleaner** sends a email notification when the cycle is finished and users have been deleted. Alternatively you can check your Users dashboard, if a bunch went 'missing'... Well, there you go. = Will this delete administrator accounts? = **AJdG User Cleaner** will never delete Administrator or Editor accounts. All other accounts can be deleted. = Can I recover deleted accounts? = No, there is no trash bin or undo button. The deleted user can of-course register a new account. = Will this delete all user data? = All associated meta data will be deleted using the official wp_delete_user() function. = Where are the settings? = This plugin has no settings and works silently in the background. = Will this overload the site? = Generally no. However, if you have many accounts, say 3000 or more, the first cycle of deletions may include many accounts. This can slow down your site for a few seconds. After that, only the new accounts are checked. As an example - when I first used this plugin on a real site it had about 7700 accounts. 2500+ got deleted, this took about 10 seconds. = I've cleaned out old accounts but they are not deleted = Simply de-activate and re-activate the plugin to start over. Remember, this counts as a first run, so the first cycle may take a few seconds. = I need help with this plugin = You can ask your questions on my [support forum](https://ajdg.solutions/forums/forum/user-cleaner/?mtm_campaign=usercleaner). = This is cool, do you have more plugins? = Yep, check out my website [AJdG Solutions](https://ajdg.solutions/plugins/?mtm_campaign=usercleaner) == Changelog == = 1.0.6 - 31 January, 2023 = * Tested to work with WordPress 6.1.1 * Tested to work with ClassicPress 1.5.1 * Updated support links * Updated readme.txt = 1.0.5 - 11 October, 2022 = * Tested to work with WordPress 6+ * Tested to work with ClassicPress 1.4+ * Updated support links = 1.0.4 - 25 January, 2022 = * Tested to work with WordPress 5.9 * Tested to work with ClassicPress 1.3.1 = 1.0.3 - 20 June, 2021 = * Updated readme.txt * Tested to work with WordPress 5.7 = 1.0.2 - 25 January, 2021 = * Happy New Year * Updated readme.txt * Tested to work with WordPress 5.6 = 1.0.1 - 3 August, 2020 = * Tested to work with WordPress 5.5 = 1.0 = * First version