=== Contact Me === Contributors: ichurakov Plugin Name: Contact Me Plugin URI: http://www.icprojects.net/ajax-contact-form.html Author: ichurakov Author URI: http://www.icprojects.net/about/ Donate link: http://www.icprojects.net/ajax-contact-form.html Tags: contact form, form, contact, ajax Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 3.3.1 Stable tag: 1.32 Contact Me is an elegant and light AJAX contact form. Activate the plugin and insert simple short code [contactme] into posts/pages. == Description == Contact Me is an elegant and light AJAX contact form. Activate the plugin and insert simple short code [contactme] into posts/pages. Check out working demo. You also can extend standard shortcode by using attributes "title" and "width". Examples: [contactme width="350"], [contactme title="This is custom title"], [contactme width="400" title="This form has custom width and title"] Currently contact form goes with two CSS-driven themes: "Under the Sun" was designed for light WordPress themes, "Deep in the Universe" is well suited for dark themes. Also it has invisible protection against of spam bots (no captcha needed). Plugin is translation ready. Please help to translate it to different languages. Special thanks to translators: Javier Briones (spanish, es_ES), Damjan Avsec (slovenian, sl_SI). For more details please visit Contact Me plugin page. == Installation == Install and activate the plugin like you do with any other plugins. == Frequently Asked Questions == None. == Screenshots == None. == Changelog == = 1.32 = * Mail headers updated (problem with GoDaddy servers fixed). * Obsolete php function "eregi" replaced by "preg_match". = 1.31 = * Mail headers updated. * Added URL of the page where the form was submitted from. = 1.30 = * Slovenian translation added. = 1.29 = * Spanish translation added. = 1.28 = This is the first version of Contact Me plugin. == Upgrade Notice == = 1.28 = This is the first version of Contact Me plugin.