=== Divi AiO - Divi Modules & Extensions === Contributors: divipeople Donate link: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/divipeople Tags: divi aio, diviaio, divi theme, divi module, divi modules, extra, elegantthemes, divi, addon, addons, add-ons, divi extras, divi plugin, elegant, themes, elegant themes, module, modules Requires at least: 4.8 Tested up to: 5.1.1 Stable tag: 1.0.1 Requires PHP: 5.6 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Super charge your Divi Page Builder with Divi AiO Modules & Extensions. == Description == Divi AiO is a full-fledged Divi page builder toolkit with plenty of modules and extensions to create beautiful pages and posts on the Divi Page Builder. Each module and extension comes with a bunch of options to control every possible thing, it extends Divi Page Builder capabilities to help you build impressive websites with no coding required. Divi AiO extends the Divi theme with many custom modules and extensions that are missing in the Divi theme. = LIVE DEMO = [Divi AiO Live Demo](https://divipeople.com/divi-aio) = DOCUMENTATION AND SUPPORT = * For documentation and tutorials go to our [Documentation](https://divipeople.com/docs/?utm_source=wp-repo&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=readme). = LIKED DIVI AIO? = * Divi AiO [Feature Request/Bug Report](https://bit.ly/divi-aio-bugs). * Join our [Facebook Group](https://www.facebook.com/groups/divipeople). * Or rate us on [WordPress](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/aio-for-divi/reviews/#new-post). = 5 FREE MODULES AND COUNTING = * [Contact Form 7](https://divipeople.com/divi-aio/modules/contact-form-7) – It allows you to directly add your forms using Divi page builder, Also you can design your contact form fields and anything you want. * [Gravity Forms](https://divipeople.com/divi-aio/modules/gravity-forms) – Completely customizable and you can control any styling. * [Before After Image](https://divipeople.com/divi-aio/modules/before-after-image) - The before-after slider module is built to give you the ability to before and after versions of an image by simply sliding over them. * [Dual Color Heading](https://divipeople.com/divi-aio/modules/dual-color-heading) - Create beautiful typography with Dual color heading module. You can easily customizations colors, fonts, and other text, etc. * [Fancy Heading](https://divipeople.com/divi-aio/modules/fancy-heading) - It adds animated typing effect text to make it even more attractive! * And counting… == EXTENSIONS == = Advanced Header = With advanced header extension you can customize the following options: 1. Remove Main Header Underline = Advanced Footer = With advanced footer extension you can customize the following options: 1. Footer Sticky 2. Hide Footer Widgets 3. Footer Bottom Bar 4. Remove Widgets Bullet Points = SVG Support = WordPress by default doesn’t let us upload SVG files. We can easily change this behavior with this extension. == Translations == * English - default == Installation == = Minimum Requirements = * WordPress 4.7 or greater * PHP version 5.6 or greater * MySQL version 5.0 or greater = We recommend your host supports: = * PHP version 7.0 or greater * MySQL version 5.6 or greater * WordPress Memory limit of 64 MB or greater (128 MB or higher is preferred) = Installation = 1. Go to your WordPress `Plugins` section 2. Click on the `Add New` button 3. Click on the `Upload Plugin` button 4. Click on the chosen File` button 5. Select the `aio-for-divi.zip` file 6. Click on the `Install Now` button 7. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress For documentation and tutorials visit our [Knowledge Base](https://divipeople.com/docs/?utm_source=wp-repo&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=readme). == Frequently Asked Questions == = Does it work with any WordPress theme? = No. You cannot use without Divi theme/ Divi page builder. = Is this plugin 100% Ads Free? = Yes, Divi AiO is 100% is 100% Ads Free. = Is Divi AiO fully free? = Yes! Divi AiO is absolutely free also there is no hidden charge. = Recommended Requirements = * Latest version of WordPress. * Latest version of Divi * PHP 5.4 or greater. == Screenshots == 1. Modules 2. Customizer Settings 3. Admin Panel == Changelog == = 1.0.1 - 06/21/2019 = * Fix advanced header issue * Dashboard padding issue * Remove slide effect from fancy heading for confict! * Fix Contact form 7 bugs = 1.0.0 = * Initial release == Upgrade Notice == = 1.0.1 - 06/21/2019 = Remove slide effect from fancy heading for confict! = 1.0.0 = * Initial beta release