=== Affiliate Disclosure Statement === Contributors: bnielsen, Jason Keeley Donate link: Tags: disclosure statement, affiliate Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 3.0 Stable tag: 0.3 Provides an automatic affiliate disclosure statement shortcode where you provide the dynamic settings in the admin page for the disclosure. == Description == Provides a shortcode tag that will display an affiliate disclosure statement on a page with dynamic inputs from the plugin admin page. #### Example 1 Simply include the disclosure shortcode in a page after configuring the disclosure plugin and the statement will automatically be displayed on the page. [affiliate-disclosure-statement] #### Attributes No attributes #### Shortcodes shortcodes: [affiliate-disclosure-statement] This shortcode will display the affiliate disclosure statement in your page. #### Notes No notes. == Installation == Unzip the affiliate-disclosure-statement.zip file and copy the resulting affiliate-disclosure-statement directory to your WordPress plugins directory. Adjust the plugin settings on the admin page and enter the [affiliate-disclosure-statement] shortcode on a page in your Wordpress site. == Frequently Asked Questions == == Screenshots == == Changelog == 0.2 Fixed bug where attribution was showing on all pages. 0.3 Updated affiliate link. == Upgrade Notice == No upgrade notices.