=== Plugin Name === Contributors: eugenyh Tags: widget, posts, plugin, recent, recent posts, latest, latest posts, shortcode, thumbnail, thumbnails, categories, content, featured image, Taxonomy Requires at least: 3.0.1 Tested up to: 4.2.2 Stable tag: 0.6.1 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Plugin that shows the latest posts with thumbnails in the widget and in other parts of the your blog or theme with shortcodes. == Description == **Introducing new feature in 0.6 version: Responsive Grid Layout** Responsive Grid Layout based on Masonry script and you can insert the new layout in your page or template with shortcode. Now Advanced Recent Posts plugin have only one grid layout - based on Medium (300px width) thumbnail size. Also you can Feature some posts - they will be show in the grid increased. See [live demo](http://demo.lp-tricks.com/recent-posts/responsive-grid-dark/) of the new layout! Advanced Recent Posts plugin shows the latest posts with thumbnails in two areas: * widget in your sidebar * shortcode in any place of your post or theme. Customization of the plugin is wery simple an flexible: * Widgets are configured into Dashboard -> Appearance -> Widgets * Shortcodes are configured in plugin shortcode builder, you will see it in the admin menu of your WordPress There are two predefined color schemes (for Basic and Grid layouts): dark and light, but you can set up your own scheme. Better to see once than read a hundred times - see the [live demo](http://demo.lp-tricks.com/) on my website :) **Contributing** You can make suggestions and submit your own modifications to this plugin on [Github](https://github.com/eholin/WP-Advanced-Recent-Posts). For more information and support, please visit [my website](http://lp-tricks.com). Have any ideas or suggestions? Please write me - i will try to make them in the new version of the plugin. == Installation == 1. Upload "lptw-recent-posts" folder to the "/wp-content/plugins/" directory 1. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu into WordPress admin area 1. Use plugin shortcode builder to create a shortcode and use it a in your posts 1. Add Widgets on your Sidebar into Dashboard -> Appearance -> Widgets == Screenshots == 1. This screenshot shows the settings widget: Recent posts - Fluid images 2. This is this widget on the website 3. This screenshot shows the settings widget: Recent posts - Thumbnails 4. This is this widget on the website 5. This is shortcode builder window with resulting shortcode 6. This is result of shortcode on the website == Changelog == = 0.6.1 = * Improved mobile version of the Responsive Grid Layout = 0.6 = * New layout (shortcode) - Responsive Grid = 0.5 = * Now you can select one or more categories of displayed posts * Now you can rearrange the date and title * Now you can display posts in reverse order * Fixed some bugs = 0.4 = * Added different date and time formats - now date and time format is independent from WP date and time settings * The custom months localization was removed = 0.3 = * Added shortcode builder in WordPress Backend * Two layouts (basic and overlay) merged into one: layout with adaptive or fixed fixed width and fluid images * Add one column and two columns support for all layouts = 0.2 = * Added one more widget - widget with small thumbnails * Added frontend for shortcode, only 4 styles: * Basic layout * Fluid images with dark/light overlay * Small thumbnails * Recent posts without thumbnails, with date as drop cap = 0.1 = * Initial release - only widget that shows the recent posts in the widget * Only one style of recent posts in widget