=== AdSnipp Ads === Contributors: AdSnipp Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=VFNAY8TTGR9PE Tags: ads, banner, commercial, admin, advertise, adrotator, plugin, random, rotator, ad, advertising, advertisement, block, blocks, advertiser, publisher, adsense, geo, geolocation, geotarget, chitika, clickbank, broadstreet, banner manager,advert manager, campaign manager, export, import, telize, maxmind, referrer, email, menu, statistics, stats, report, advert, adverts, popular, best, great, 2014, geoselect, geobytes, schedules, schedule, monetize, header, widget, javascript, jquery, tracking, clicks, impressions, rotate, zone, zones, sidebar, footer, content, posts, pages, 2015 Requires at least: 3.8, PHP5.3 Tested up to: 4.2.2 Stable tag: trunk License: GPLv2 or later AdSnipp for Wordpress. Easy way to manage ad snippets. == Description == **AdSnipp Ads** Thinking of making some money with your website? Try AdSnipp. **AdSnipp Ads** - now you can easily place Ad network advertising anywhere on your site from your dashboard. No need for technical background. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C1GsNyd8yrk Create your own adverts with basic JavaScript snippets or use adverts from your favorite Ad Networks such as Bing, Yahoo, Google AdSense or other similar services. Manage your advertising campaigns with ease, right from your dashboard. Check up on stats. AdSnipp supports unlimited Ads. AdSnipp looks and feels similar to the dashboard you already know, so you're already familiar with AdSnipp before you've even started, just copy & paste the snippet(code) you got from your Ad Network to the AdSnipp dashboard and you are good to go. **Some Features** * Easy management of ads * Copy & paste any snippet - Javascript code. * Have your advertisers add/edit/manage their own snippets and ads * Mobile and Desktop adverts * Works with Google AdSense, Matomy and almost any Ad Network. * Easy to use stats so you can follow how each advert is performing * Responsive ads * Daily and Total stats * Track how many times a banner is viewd or clicked * Disable or Enable ads after certain requirements you set are reached == Installation == 1. Upload the `AdSnipp` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory. 2. Activate the plugin using the 'Plugins' menu in your WordPress admin panel. 3. You can adjust the necessary settings using your WordPress admin panel in "AdSnipp" menu. 4. Under "My Ads" --> "Add new" create and configure your new ad, choose Status "on" to activate and press "save" . == Frequently Asked Questions == = What is a AdSnipp? = Do you want to monetise your website? you need ads? you contact an Ad network and got a java script code? what now? With AdSnipp you just need to copy & paste you new code, and that's it your ads are on. = How do I use AdSnipp = 1. Upload the `AdSnipp` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory. 2. Activate the plugin using the 'Plugins' menu in your WordPress admin panel. 3. You can adjust the necessary settings using your WordPress admin panel in "AdSnipp" menu. 4. Under "My Ads" --> "Add new" create and configure your new ad, choose Status "on" to activate and press "save". = I have a problem with setting up the AdSnipp, what to do? = Drop us a mail at support@adsnipp.com == Screenshots == 1. AdSnipp Plugin settings in WordPress dashboard. 2. AdSnipp Plugin stats page. 3. AdSnipp Plugin My Ads settings. == Changelog == = 3.2.3 = * bug - internal log, didn't log the last_active_at = 3.2.2 = * bug - some links in the settings page fixed = V3.2.1 - 06.07.2015 = * Update : first time we publish.(good luck!)