=== Plugin Name === Contributors: YONG MOOK KIM Donate link: http://www.mkyong.com/ Tags: google adsense, adsense Requires at least: 2.0 Tested up to: 2.9.2 Stable tag: 2.1 Integrate "Google Adsense" into Wordpress Content. Just Copy the code and paste it. No hidden Adsense hijack. == Description == The simplest solution to integrate "Google Adsense" into Wordpress Content. Just copy your Google Adsense code, paste it and configure where you want to display. 1. 10+ pre-define display options. * Append adsense with Left Float Content * Append adsense with Right Float Content * Append adsense Before Content * Append adsense After Content * Append adsense After 1 - 10 paragraph * Append adsense with random paragraph 2. Display only for posts published after xx days. (configurable). 3. Do not display ads to users from certain website e.g digg.com, dzone.com (configratable). 4. Do not display ads to certain post caregory e.g feature, tutorials (configratable). == Installation == 1. Download and extract it 2. Copy adsense-daemon folder to the "/wp-content/plugins/" directory 3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 4. Access setting - Adsense Daemon to configure it == Frequently Asked Questions == = After Activated? How to use it? = 1. After activated, click "setting - Adsense Daemon" to access the setup screen. 2. Get google adsense ads HTML code from google site, and put it into the template box. 3. Select the display option. 4. Saved. == Screenshots ==