= 1.9.40 = * Updated the readme.txt to reflect that the plugin is tested and working with WordPress 5.3.2. = 1.9.39 = * Updated the readme.txt to reflect that the plugin is tested and working with WordPress 5.3.0. * Updated the readme.txt to reflect that the plugin is tested and working with v1.3.0 of the AMP plugin. = 1.9.38 = * Updated the readme.txt to reflect that the plugin is tested and working with WordPress 5.2.4. = 1.9.37 = * Updated the readme.txt to reflect that the plugin is tested and working with WordPress 5.2.3. = 1.9.36 = * Fixed a bug where admin notices were showing despite having been dismissed. = 1.9.35 = * Updated the readme.txt to reflect that the plugin is tested and working with WordPress 5.2.2. = 1.9.34 = * Updated the readme.txt to reflect that the plugin is tested and working with WordPress 5.2.1. = 1.9.33 = * Updated the readme.txt to reflect that the plugin is tested and working with WordPress 5.2.0. * Updated the readme.txt to reflect that the plugin is tested and working with v1.1.1 of the AMP plugin. * Added info about the new AdPlugg Business Plan to the readme.txt. = 1.9.32 = * Updated the readme.txt to reflect that the plugin is tested and working with WordPress 5.1.1. * Updated the readme.txt to reflect that the plugin is tested and working with v1.0.2 of the AMP plugin. * Linted the AdPlugg_Admin class to meet all WP coding standards. * Linted the AdPlugg_Privacy class to meet all WP coding standards. = 1.9.31 = * Updated the readme.txt to reflect that the plugin is tested and working with WordPress 5.1.0. * Installed and ran PHP Code Beautifier to fix a number of WordPress coding standards issues. = 1.9.30 = * Updated the readme.txt to reflect that the plugin is tested and working with WordPress 5.0.2. * Updated the copyright date to 2019. * Linted the main adplugg.php file to meet all WP coding standards. * Linted the functions.php file to meet all WP coding standards. * Linted the AdPlugg_Options class to meet all WP coding standards. * Linted the AdPlugg_Facebook class to meet all WP coding standards. = 1.9.29 = * Updated the readme.txt to reflect that the plugin is tested and working with WordPress 5.0.1. = 1.9.28 = * Moved the AdPlugg general options page help to a class (instead of a global function). * Moved the AdPlugg widgets page help to a class (instead of a global function). * Got rid of the no-longer-used AdPlugg_Help_Dispatch class. = 1.9.27 = * Updated the readme.txt to reflect that the plugin has been tested with up to v4.2.0 of the FBIA plugin. * Updated the readme.txt to reflect that the plugin has been tested with up to v0.7.2 of the AMP plugin. = 1.9.26 = * Fixed a bug with how the widget was being rendered (introduced in 1.9.24). = 1.9.25 = * Fixed a bug with the Test_AMP_Options_Page_Help class where it was adding help to all wp-admin pages (introduced in 1.9.23). = 1.9.24 = * Updated the readme.txt to reflect that the plugin has been tested with up to WordPress 5.0. * Updated the copyright date from 2017 to 2018. * Fixed an inconsequential error message that was showing when saving the widget. * Linted the entire AdPlugg_Widget class to meet all WP coding standards. = 1.9.23 = * Moved the Facebook Options page help to a class (instead of a global function). = 1.9.22 = * Linted all admin page classes to meet WP coding standards. = 1.9.21 = * Linted the AdPlugg_Notice class to meet all WP coding standards. = 1.9.20 = * Removed the use of the deprecated 'create_function' when registering the widget. = 1.9.19 = * Linted the AdPlugg_Notice_Controller class. * Added CSRF protection to the notice system. = 1.9.18 = * Moved the AMP Options page help to a class (instead of a global function). = 1.9.17 = * Moved the help system includes to the main plugin file. * Linted the widgets-page-help.php file to meet the WP coding standards. = 1.9.16 = * Updated the visibility on the 'instance' property of all singletons to 'private'. = 1.9.15 = * Linted the options-page-help.php file. = 1.9.14 = * Added unit testing to the Test_Help_Dispatch class for testing the contextual help for the AMP settings page. = 1.9.13 = * Linted the facebook-options-page-help.php file to meet all of the WP coding standards. = 1.9.12 = * Renamed and linted the class-adplugg-help-dispatch.php file to meet all of the WP coding standards. = 1.9.11 = * Updated the readme.txt to reflect that the plugin has been tested with up to v4.1.1 of the FBIA plugin. = 1.9.10 = * Added Composer (for installing our dev dependencies). * Added a phpcs.xml file (for checking our code against the WP coding standards). * Linted the amp-options-page-help.php file to meet all of the WP coding standards. = 1.9.9 = * Updated the readme.txt to reflect that the plugin has been tested with up to WP 4.9.8. = 1.9.8 = * Converted the AdPlugg_Options_Page class to a singleton to match the rest of our admin pages. = 1.9.7 = * Fixed the PHPDoc on the get_instance method on several classes. = 1.9.6 = * Updated the readme.txt to reflect that the plugin has been tested with up to WP 4.9.7 = 1.9.5 = * Fixed some issues with the PHPDoc on the AdPlugg_Notice_Controller class. = 1.9.4 = * Restructured the admin contextual help dispatch system for better OOP design. = 1.9.3 = * Added a new AdPlugg icon font. * Now using the AdPlugg icon font for the admin menu (instead of an embedded SVG). = 1.9.2 = * Cleaned up the test_admin_init test function in the Test_Options_Page class. * Now fully testing the admin_init method of the AdPlugg_Facebook_Options_Page class. = 1.9.1 = * Fixed a testing bug with the test-facebook-options-page-help.php when run in isolation. = 1.9.0 = * Added info regarding GDPR compliance to the readme.txt. * Updated the readme.txt to reflect that the plugin has been tested and is compatible with up to WP v4.9.6. * Now displaying suggested privacy policy text in the privacy policy settings screen in the wp-admin. = 1.8.9 = * Misc fixes for WP coding standards (spaces after while and foreach, snake_case variables). = 1.8.8 = * Added help for using AdPlugg for Facebook Instant Articles to the contextual help on the widgets page in the admin. = 1.8.7 = * Updated styling of all 'if' statements to match WP coding standards. = 1.8.6 = * Updated the incorrect PHPDoc on some of the FBIA related methods. = 1.8.5 = * Updated the label text on the FBIA automatic placement option to be more clear and consistent. * Updated the readme.txt to remove "New" from the timed rotate feature. = 1.8.4 = * Updated the readme to reflect that the plugin has been test up to WordPress 4.9.5. = 1.8.3 = * Fixed an issue with the option validation. = 1.8.2 = * AMP ad bottom margin now properly matches its top margin. = 1.8.1 = * Now inserts an ad at the bottom of any short AMP posts. = 1.8.0 = * Now backwards compatible down to PHP 5.2.4. = 1.7.0 = * AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) support added. = 1.6.24 = * Updated the readme.txt to reflect that the plugin has been tested with up to v4.0.6 of the FBIA plugin. = 1.6.23 = * Fixed an error in the Facebbook Instant Articles contextual help. = 1.6.22 = * Updated the readme to reflect that the plugin has been tested with up to WP 4.9.4. = 1.6.21 = * Made the notice controller into a singleton. = 1.6.20 = * Updated the readme.txt to reflect that the plugin has been tested with up to WP 4.9.2. = 1.6.19 = * Updated all indentation to use tabs instead of spaces to match the WordPress Coding Standards. = 1.6.18 = * Added unit testing for the AdPlugg_Facebook_Instant_Articles->insert_ads method. = 1.6.17 = * Added unit testing for the AdPlugg_Facebook_Instant_Articles->header_injector method. = 1.6.16 = * Now checks to make sure an access code is entered before trying to serve ads into Facebook Instant Articles. = 1.6.15 = * Added unit testing for the render and get_rendered methods of the Notice class. = 1.6.14 = * Added CTA buttons to notices to make setup easier. = 1.6.13 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that the plugin is fully tested and working with WP 4.9.1. = 1.6.12 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that the plugin is fully tested and working with WP 4.9.0. = 1.6.11 = * Refactored global notice functions into the notice controller. = 1.6.10 = * Added a new AdPlugg_Options class for better OOP design. = 1.6.9 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that the plugin is fully tested and working with WP 4.8.3. = 1.6.8 = * Fixed a comment typo. * Now explicitly declaring visibility for all methods in the AdPlugg_Notice class. = 1.6.7 = * Added additional testing on the AdPlugg access code retrieval function. = 1.6.6 = * Added unit testing for the AdPlugg_Facebook_Instant_Articles class. = 1.6.5 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that the plugin is fully tested and working with WP 4.8.2. = 1.6.4 = * Explicitly declared visibility for all methods in the AdPlugg_Notice_Controller class. = 1.6.3 = * Renamed some test files to match our file naming conventions. = 1.6.2 = * Added 'Requires PHP: 5.3' tag to the readme.txt file. = 1.6.1 = * Updated tests/test-adplugg.php for WP coding standards. = 1.6.0 = * Updated the endpoint for FBIA ads to www.adplugg.io (with temporary allowance for staying on www.adplugg.com). = 1.5.18 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that the plugin is fully tested and working with WP 4.8.1. = 1.5.17 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that the plugin is tested and working with up to v4.0.4 of the FBIA plugin. * Updated tests/functions.php for WP coding standards. = 1.5.16 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that the plugin is tested and working with up to v4.0.3 of the FBIA plugin. * Updated bootstrap.php for WP coding standards. = 1.5.15 = * Updated the options page tests to add testing that ensures that the access code is stored correctly. * Added unit testing for the AdPlugg_Options_Page->admin_init() method. = 1.5.14 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that the plugin is tested and working with up to v4.0.2 of the FBIA plugin. * Updated the tags and description in the readme.txt file. * Updated the readme.txt file to include info regarding the new Open Graph targeting functionality. = 1.5.13 = * Updated test-functions.php for WP coding standards. = 1.5.12 = * Updated the copyright date. * Updated link params. = 1.5.11 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that the plugin is fully tested and working with WP 4.8.0. = 1.5.10 = * Made the adplugg sdk functions into a class. = 1.5.9 = * Updated test-class-adplugg-widget.php for WP coding standards. = 1.5.8 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that the plugin is fully tested and working with WP 4.7.5. = 1.5.7 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that the plugin is tested and working with up to v3.3.5 of the FBIA plugin. = 1.5.6 = * Updated the widget help and made 'adplugg.com' references into links. = 1.5.5 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that the plugin is fully tested and working with WP 4.7.4. = 1.5.4 = * Updated the names of our enqueued script and stylesheet to 'adplugg-admin'. = 1.5.3 = * Updated test-sdk.php for WP coding standards. = 1.5.2 = * Notices are now dismissible (using built in WP is-dismissible functionality). = 1.5.1 = * Fixed some typos/issues with the options page help. = 1.5.0 = * Moved the SDK to the top of the head section for faster loading. = 1.4.19 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that the plugin is fully tested and working with WP 4.7.3. = 1.4.18 = * Optimized the dash icon to hopefully fix the flashing issue. = 1.4.17 = * Updated test-class-adplugg-admin.php for WP coding standards. = 1.4.16 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that the plugin is tested and working with up to v3.3.3 of the FBIA plugin. * Updated the install-wp-tests.sh script to fix test errors. = 1.4.15 = * Updated all links to adplugg.com to use https. = 1.4.14 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that the plugin is tested and working with up to v3.3.1 of the FBIA plugin. = 1.4.13 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that the plugin is fully tested and working with WP 4.7.2. = 1.4.12 = * Removed non-working .travis.yml file. = 1.4.11 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that the plugin is fully tested and working with WP 4.7.1. = 1.4.10 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that the plugin is tested and working with up to v3.3.0 of the FBIA plugin. = 1.4.9 = * Updated the README.md file to reflect changes to the git repo. = 1.4.8 = * Updated the review link for changes at wordpress.org. = 1.4.7 = * Fixed bug with the path to the admin assets (css, js). * Updated/fixed the link for writing a review. * Removed some JavaScript under development that was erroneously released. * Updated the admin tests to use the new top level AdPlugg menu. = 1.4.6 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that the plugin is tested and working with up to v3.2.2 of the FBIA plugin. = 1.4.5 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that the plugin is fully tested and working with WP 4.7.0. = 1.4.4 = * Updated deprecated constructor (as of php 7) in the AdPlugg_Widget class. = 1.4.3 = * Standardized the file and class names in the test suite. = 1.4.2 = * Renamed class files to accurately reflect the full name of the contained class as per WP coding standards. = 1.4.1 = * Updated test-options-page.php for WP coding standards. = 1.4.0 = * Major refactoring - moved all includes to a new includes directory. = 1.3.29 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that the plugin is tested and working with up to v3.2.0 of the FBIA plugin. = 1.3.28 = * Moved the css and js files to a new assets folder. = 1.3.27 = * Updated test-notice-functions.php for WP coding standards. = 1.3.26 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that the plugin is tested and working with up to v3.1.3 of the FBIA plugin. = 1.3.25 = * Updated the notice classes for changes to the WP notice system. = 1.3.24 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that the plugin is tested and working with up to WP 4.6.1. = 1.3.23 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that the plugin is tested and working with up to v3.1.2 of the FBIA plugin. = 1.3.22 = * Updated class-admin.php to use generic function names. = 1.3.21 = * Updated the settings link in the plugin listing. = 1.3.20 = * Updated test-notice-controller-class.php for WP coding standards. = 1.3.19 = * Fixed comments on validation function for main options page. = 1.3.18 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that the plugin is tested and working with up to WP 4.6. = 1.3.17 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that the plugin is tested and working with up to v3.0.1 of the FBIA plugin. = 1.3.16 = * Made the configure notice dismissible. = 1.3.15 = * Updated test-notice-class.php for WP coding standards. = 1.3.14 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that the plugin is tested and working with up to WP 4.5.3. = 1.3.13 = * Fixed the webkit-appearance issue with the widget checkboxes in chrome. = 1.3.12 = * Updated test-widgets-page-help.php for WP coding standards. = 1.3.11 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that the plugin is tested and working with up to v2.11 of the FBIA plugin. = 1.3.9 = * Added "Quick Start" help videos. = 1.3.8 = * Fixed the configure notice link so that it goes to the new top level AdPlugg settings page. = 1.3.7 = * Added FAQ section to the help. = 1.3.6 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that the plugin is tested and working with up to WP 4.5.2. = 1.3.5 = * Fixed a bug where the save messages weren't showing on the options page. * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that the plugin is tested and working with up to WP 4.5.1 and FBIA up to 2.10. = 1.3.4 = * Updated the readme.txt to reflect that the plugin is tested and working with up to v2.9 of the FBIA plugin. = 1.3.3 = * Fixed some bugginess with the FBIA automatic placement enable field. * Updated the readme.txt to reflect that the plugin is tested and working with up to v2.8 of the FBIA plugin. = 1.3.2 = * Added support for fb-instant-articles 0.3 - 2.5. * Updated the readme.txt to reflect that WP 4.5 if fully tested and working. = 1.3.1 = * Bumping the version for auto updaters (initial post of 1.3.0 to wordpress.org had a failed merge). = 1.3.0 = * Added support for Facebook Instant Articles. * Moved AdPlugg to a top level menu. = 1.2.50 = * Updated test-options-page-help.php for WP coding standards. = 1.2.49 = * Modified the ad tag filter for feeds to handle nested div tags. = 1.2.48 = * Now filtering in-content AdPlugg Ad Tags out of feeds. = 1.2.47 = * Updated test-help-dispatch.php for WP coding standards. = 1.2.46 = * Added data-cfasync="false" attribute to the SDK script tag. = 1.2.45 = * Fixed some typos in the phpdoc in the AdPlugg_Notice class. = 1.2.44 = * Updated the description/help on the plugin listing in the WP admin. = 1.2.43 = * Added a custom footer to the settings screen. = 1.2.42 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that WP 4.4.2 is fully tested and working. = 1.2.41 = * Truncated the Changelog in readme.txt and provided link to changelog.txt = 1.2.40 = * Removed debug messages from admin.js = 1.2.39 = * Updated the comments on the AdPlugg_Notice_Controller's admin_notices() function. = 1.2.38 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that WP 4.4.1 is fully tested and working. = 1.2.37 = * Updated class-options-page.php to use generic function names. = 1.2.36 = * Updated sdk.php for WP coding standards. = 1.2.35 = * Updated class-admin.php for WP coding standards. = 1.2.34 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that WP 4.4 is fully tested and working. = 1.2.33 = * Updated class-notice-controller.php to use generic function names. = 1.2.32 = * Updated class-options-page.php for WP coding standards. = 1.2.31 = * Updated notice-functions.php for WP coding standards. = 1.2.30 = * Updated class-notice.php for WP coding standards. = 1.2.29 = * Widget title in the admin now includes the zone (if one is set). = 1.2.28 = * Updated class-notice-controller.php for WP coding standards. = 1.2.27 = * Added Ad Tag info to the help. = 1.2.26 = * Added unit test for widget registration. = 1.2.25 = * Updated install-wp-tests.sh for compatibility with latest WP. = 1.2.24 = * Updated widgets-page-help.php for WP coding standards. = 1.2.23 = * Updated options-page-help.php for WP coding standards. = 1.2.22 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that WP 4.3.1 is fully tested and working. = 1.2.21 = * Updated the readme.txt to show Pro features. = 1.2.20 = * Updated help-dispatch.php for WP coding standards. = 1.2.19 = * Updated all "API" references to "SDK". = 1.2.18 = * Increased the size of the Access Code field. * Fixed a bug with the help link on WP 4.3. = 1.2.17 = * Fixed cosmetic spacing issue with the widget fieldset. = 1.2.16 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that WP 4.3 is fully tested and working. = 1.2.15 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that WP 4.2.4 is fully tested and working. = 1.2.14 = * Updated functions.php for WP coding standards. = 1.2.13 = * Updated adplugg.php for WP coding standards. = 1.2.12 = * Added PHPUnit test for the AdPlugg_Widget constructor. = 1.2.11 = * Fixed the PHPDoc in the notice controller class. = 1.2.10 = * Fixed the PHPDoc in the admin class. = 1.2.9 = * Updated the copyright date. = 1.2.8 = * Fixed issue causing the help link to not display. = 1.2.7 = * Renamed several class files to adhere to WP coding standards. = 1.2.6 = * Updated QUnit tests for timed rotate config changes. = 1.2.5 = * Updated readme.txt to include timed rotate feature. = 1.2.4 = * Fixed the markup in the options page help. = 1.2.3 = * Fixed the QUnit styling. = 1.2.2 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that WP 4.2.1 is fully tested and working. = 1.2.1 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that WP 4.2 is fully tested and working. = 1.2 = * Added an advanced notices system with dismissible notices. = 1.1.42 = * Changed notices option reference to use constant. * Updated the readme.txt file. = 1.1.41 = * Fixed widget title sanitization bug. = 1.1.40 = * Removed debug from widget test. = 1.1.39 = * Added PHPUnit testing for adding the admin options page. = 1.1.38 = * Added QUnit testing to the admin widgets page. = 1.1.37 = * Added QUnit testing to the admin options page. = 1.1.36 = * Fixed minor code formatting issues. * Added link title tags to the help. = 1.1.35 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that WP 4.1.1 is fully tested and working. = 1.1.34 = * Fixed a bug with the access code validation function. * Improved the validation functions. = 1.1.33 = * Simplified the widget constructor. = 1.1.32 = * Fixed minor issue with help link on settings page. = 1.1.31 = * Added title tags to links on the settings page. = 1.1.30 = * Added widget help link. = 1.1.29 = * Added widget help. = 1.1.28 = * Updated the tags in readme.txt. = 1.1.27 = * Added Works with Free and Pro Versions to readme.txt. = 1.1.26 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that WP 4.1 is fully tested and working. = 1.1.25 = * Added a screenshot. = 1.1.24 = * Fixed formatting of link to Q/A system. = 1.1.23 = * Added FAQ section to readme.txt. = 1.1.22 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that WP 4.0.1 is fully tested and working. = 1.1.21 = * Added help link to options page. = 1.1.20 = * Fixed PHP strict standards issues (cont'd). = 1.1.19 = * Fixed PHP strict standards issues. = 1.1.18 = * Fixed broken link to widgets from the options page. = 1.1.17 = * Fixed broken link to widgets from the options page. = 1.1.17 = * Added support for widget titles. = 1.1.16 = * Added unit and functional testing. = 1.1.15 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that WP 4.0 is fully tested and working. = 1.1.14 = * Organized widget options using fieldsets. = 1.1.13 = * Fixed null options bug. = 1.1.12 = * Updated the description and feature listing in the readme.txt file. = 1.1.11 = * Access Code validation now allows null values. = 1.1.10 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that WP 3.9 is fully tested and working. = 1.1.9 = * Updated the readme.txt file with new description. * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that WP 3.8.2 is fully tested and working. = 1.1.8 = * Improved the validation on the settings page. * Fixed a bug that was causing an error when settings were saved. = 1.1.7 = * Fixed a bug with the notice system that was throwing errors in the admin. = 1.1.6 = * Updated the readme.txt (removed outdated info, listed new ad rotator feature) = 1.1.5 = * Improved the help and linked to the new Cookbook = 1.1.4 = * Fixed two broken links * Updated the copyright date = 1.1.2 = * Fixed grammatical issues with the help. * Updated the readme.txt file. = 1.1 = * Added Support for Zones. * Switched to using version 1.1 of ad.js (which supports Zones). = 1.0 = * First public release. Posted to wordpress.org. = 0.1 = * Beta release.