= 1.1.39 = * Added PHPUnit testing for adding the admin options page. = 1.1.38 = * Added QUnit testing to the admin widgets page. = 1.1.37 = * Added QUnit testing to the admin options page. = 1.1.36 = * Fixed minor code formatting issues. * Added link title tags to the help. = 1.1.35 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that WP 4.1.1 is fully tested and working. = 1.1.34 = * Fixed a bug with the access code validation function. * Improved the validation functions. = 1.1.33 = * Simplified the widget constructor. = 1.1.32 = * Fixed minor issue with help link on settings page. = 1.1.31 = * Added title tags to links on the settings page. = 1.1.30 = * Added widget help link. = 1.1.29 = * Added widget help. = 1.1.28 = * Updated the tags in readme.txt. = 1.1.27 = * Added Works with Free and Pro Versions to readme.txt. = 1.1.26 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that WP 4.1 is fully tested and working. = 1.1.25 = * Added a screenshot. = 1.1.24 = * Fixed formatting of link to Q/A system. = 1.1.23 = * Added FAQ section to readme.txt. = 1.1.22 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that WP 4.0.1 is fully tested and working. = 1.1.21 = * Added help link to options page. = 1.1.20 = * Fixed PHP strict standards issues (cont'd). = 1.1.19 = * Fixed PHP strict standards issues. = 1.1.18 = * Fixed broken link to widgets from the options page. = 1.1.17 = * Fixed broken link to widgets from the options page. = 1.1.17 = * Fixed broken link to widgets from the options page. = 1.1.17 = * Added support for widget titles. = 1.1.16 = * Added unit and functional testing. = 1.1.15 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that WP 4.0 is fully tested and working. = 1.1.14 = * Organized widget options using fieldsets. = 1.1.13 = * Fixed null options bug. = 1.1.12 = * Updated the description and feature listing in the readme.txt file. = 1.1.11 = * Access Code validation now allows null values. = 1.1.10 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that WP 3.9 is fully tested and working. = 1.1.9 = * Updated the readme.txt file with new description. * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that WP 3.8.2 is fully tested and working. = 1.1.8 = * Improved the validation on the settings page. * Fixed a bug that was causing an error when settings were saved. = 1.1.7 = * Fixed a bug with the notice system that was throwing errors in the admin. = 1.1.6 = * Updated the readme.txt (removed outdated info, listed new ad rotator feature) = 1.1.5 = * Improved the help and linked to the new Cookbook = 1.1.4 = * Fixed two broken links * Updated the copyright date = 1.1.2 = * Fixed grammatical issues with the help. * Updated the readme.txt file. = 1.1 = * Added Support for Zones. * Switched to using version 1.1 of ad.js (which supports Zones). = 1.0 = * First public release. Posted to wordpress.org. = 0.1 = * Beta release.