=== AdPlugg WordPress Ad Plugin === Contributors: adplugg License: GPLv3 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html Tags: advertising, ad manager, admanager, ads, ad, ad management, ad rotator, widget, banner management, banner manager, ad server, adserver, images, image, sidebar, plugin, post Requires at least: 3.3 Tested up to: 4.1 Stable tag: 1.1.30 The AdPlugg WordPress Ad Plugin is a simple plugin that allows you to display ads on your WordPress site. == Description == The AdPlugg WordPress Ad Plugin works in conjunction with the FREE [adplugg.com](http://www.adplugg.com) ad service. = Plugin Features = The AdPlugg WordPress Ad Plugin includes the following awesome features: * Ability to add your AdPlugg ads to your WordPress site from the WordPress Administrator with no access to the underlying source code required. * Ability to add you AdPlugg ads to any Widget Area on your site by dragging the AdPlugg Widget into that area. * Support for Zones allowing you to put different ads in different locations on a page. * Works with AdPlugg's Free and Pro versions. PS: You'll need a free [adplugg.com Access Code](https://www.adplugg.com/apusers/signup) in order to use the plugin. = AdPlugg Service Features = The FREE AdPlugg Ad Service includes the following amazing features: * Ad Rotating - Rotate which ads are didplayed or the relative positioning of multiple ads. * Ad Scheduling - Set the start and stop dates for an individual ad or group of ads. * Ad Tracking - Track ad impressions and ad clicks. * Analytics - View daily, monthly or yearly graphs of your impressions and clicks. * Zones - Break your site up into different zones such as the top bar or side bar. * Placements - Group your ads into placements to simplify management and tracking. * Easy Setup - Easily create and setup your ads. == Installation == 1. Upload the AdPlugg WordPress Ad Plugin to your blog. 2. Activate it. 3. Enter your [adplugg.com Acccess Code](https://www.adplugg.com/apusers/signup). 4. Drag the AdPlugg Ad Widget to the Widget Area where you want your ads to display. 5. Optionally add the Zone machine name into the widget. This will make it so that the AdPlugg server only loads ads designated for the zone into the widget. == Frequently Asked Questions == For questions and answers, visit the [AdPlugg Question/Answer System at AdPlugg.com](http://www.adplugg.com/support/question-answer). == Screenshots == 1. The AdPlugg WordPress Ad Plugin makes it easy to place ads on your WordPress site. == Changelog == = 1.1.30 = * Added widget help link. = 1.1.29 = * Added widget help. = 1.1.28 = * Updated the tags in readme.txt. = 1.1.27 = * Added Works with Free and Pro Versions to readme.txt. = 1.1.26 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that WP 4.1 is fully tested and working. = 1.1.25 = * Added a screenshot. = 1.1.24 = * Fixed formatting of link to Q/A system. = 1.1.23 = * Added FAQ section to readme.txt. = 1.1.22 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that WP 4.0.1 is fully tested and working. = 1.1.21 = * Added help link to options page. = 1.1.20 = * Fixed PHP strict standards issues (cont'd). = 1.1.19 = * Fixed PHP strict standards issues. = 1.1.18 = * Fixed broken link to widgets from the options page. = 1.1.17 = * Added support for widget titles. = 1.1.16 = * Added unit and functional testing. = 1.1.15 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that WP 4.0 is fully tested and working. = 1.1.14 = * Organized widget options using fieldsets. = 1.1.13 = * Fixed null options bug. = 1.1.12 = * Updated the description and feature listing in the readme.txt file. = 1.1.11 = * Access Code validation now allows null values. = 1.1.10 = * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that WP 3.9 is fully tested and working. = 1.1.9 = * Updated the readme.txt file with new description. * Updated the readme.txt file to reflect that WP 3.8.2 is fully tested and working. = 1.1.8 = * Improved the validation on the settings page. * Fixed a bug that was causing an error when settings were saved. = 1.1.7 = * Fixed a bug with the notice system that was throwing errors in the admin. = 1.1.5 = * Improved the help and linked to the new Cookbook = 1.1.4 = * Fixed two broken links * Updated the copyright date = 1.1.2 = * Fixed grammatical issues with the help. * Updated the readme.txt file. = 1.1 = * Added Support for Zones * Switched to using version 1.1 of ad.js (which supports Zones) = 1.0 = * Initial release. Posted to wordpress.org. = 0.1 = * Beta release.