=== AdPlugg WordPress Ad Plugin === Contributors: adplugg License: GPLv3 License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html Tags: advertising Requires at least: 3.3 Tested up to: 3.7 Stable tag: 1.0 The AdPlugg WordPress Ad Plugin is a simple plugin that allows you to display ads on your WordPress site. == Description == The AdPlugg WordPress Ad Plugin is a simple plugin that allows you to display ads on your WordPress site. The AdPlugg WordPress Ad Plugin works in conjunction with the [adplugg.com](http://www.adplugg.com) ad service. Major features in version 1.0 include: * Ability to add your AdPlugg ads to your WordPress site from the WordPress Administrator with no access to the underlying source code required. * Ability to add you AdPlugg ads to any Widget Area on your site by dragging the AdPlugg Widget into that area. PS: You'll need an [adplugg.com Access Code](http://www.adplugg.com/apusers/signup/) to use it. Paid subscriptions are available for more Additional pay options and features are available for more demanding, high volume customers == Installation == 1. Upload the AdPlugg WordPress Ad Plugin to your blog 2. Activate it 3. Enter your [adplugg.com Acccess Code](http://www.adplugg.com/apusers/signup/). 4. Drag the AdPlugg Ad Widget to the Widget Area where you want your ads to display. == Changelog == = 1.0 = * Initial release. = 0.1 = * Beta release.