=== Plugin Name === Contributors: maerk Donate link: http://beingmrkenny.co.uk/ Tags: admin Requires at least: 2.7 Tested up to: 2.7 Stable tag: 1.0 When WordPress 2.7 was released, I was delighted, but in the new admin panels, the comment spam status is colour coded. To me this doesn't fit with the colour scheme, it sticks out too much and I don't find the colours useful. This plugin changes the colours back to colours that fit in with the other text colours. == Installation == WordPress version 2.7 allows you to install plugins right from the plugin page in the admin area. If you can install plugins that way, go for it. If not, follow the normal procedures for installing a plugin in WordPress. There is no setup required: just install and activate. 1. Unzip the files from the .zip file 2. Upload them, making sure they are in a directory called `admin-spam-colour-changer` within the `/wp-content/plugins` directory. For example, `/wp-content/plugins/admin-spam-colour-changer` 3. There are only two files required: a .php and a .css file, both with the filename `colour-changer` 4. Activate the plugin as normal, and enjoy the normalcy that is restored to your admin panels! == Frequently Asked Questions == = How do I contact the author of the plugin? = Visit me at beingmrkenny.co.uk!