=== Recent Post Slider === Contributors: AdlPlugins Tags: recent post, recent post slider, recent posts, recent posts slider, post slider, most recent post, slider, responsive slider, content slider, responsive, thumbnail slider, latest posts, latest post, latest post slider, latest posts slider, horizontal slider, widget slider, sidebar slider Requires at least: 4.0 Tested up to: 4.8.2 Stable tag: 1.0 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html It displays the recent posts of your blogs in a very beautiful, responsive and touch-friendly slider. == Description == Live demo: If you want to display recent posts of your blog in a nice slider which is responsive and touch-friendly then ADL Recent Post Slider is the best choice for you. You can show the latest posts of your blog in a nice slider which will look great across all devices with this plugin. What makes this plugin better than other is its user interface and features. You do not need to be a pro or hire a programmer to use this plugin. This plugin is made for everyone. So, you can use it without being an expert in WordPress. = Some of the features of this plugin: = * Hide or show thumbnail. * Hide or show excerpt. * Highly secured code. * Very small in size. * Very fast because of optimized code and small size. * Ability to customize a lot of settings of the slider. * Beautiful and easy user interface so anyone can use it perfectly without being a pro in WordPress. * Responsive slider which means it will display perfectly on any devices irrespective of screen size. * Touch-friendly. So, user of touch-enabled device can easily read your blog posts and swipe the posts in the slider * and many useful features. Even more features are available in [__Pro version__](https://adlplugins.com/plugin/adl-recent-post-slider-pro/). = All features of the free version and including the following = * You will get 3 modern and beautiful themes to display your blog posts in an even better way. * Ability to control slider behavior. * Ability to control how many posts you would like to show on a slider. * Ability to choose the number of posts based on different devices. * You can also control slider speed. * You can customize the style of the whole slider that will display your theme. * Priority Support. * and many useful features. == Installation == 1. Unzip the downloaded zip file and upload the plugin folder into the `wp-content/plugins/` directory. Alternatively, upload from Plugins >> Add New >> Upload Plugin. 2. Activate the plugin from Plugins page. = Usage = After successfully installing and activating the plugin, you will find "Recent Post Slider" menu on left column of WordPress dashboard. Go to Recent Post Slider >> Add New and configure any options as desired. Then copy the shortcode which is at the bottom of the Settings panel on the "Shortcode" section and paste it wherever you want to display the post slider. == Screenshots == 1. Backend view 2. Frontend view == Changelog == = 1.0 = * Initial release