=== AddonSuite - for WPAdverts === Plugin URI: https://wpadverts.com/ Contributors: pare81 Tags: adverts, suite, addonsuite, addon, wp adverts, wpadverts, classifieds, classified, classified ads, classified script, classifieds script, wp classified, wp classifieds, wpextend, wpextendne, wp extend Requires PHP: 5.3 Requires at least: 4.0 Tested up to: 4.9 Stable tag: 1.0 License: GNU Version 2 or Any Later Version Extend your WPAdverts classifieds page with additonal options in less than a minute. == Description == The AddonSuite is a addon for the famous WPAdverts classifieds plugin. With the AddonSuite you can modify your WPAdverts classifieds page a bit more. The most of the options are requested by users within the WPAdverts support forum and released as codesnippets by Greg Winiarsky on GitHub. We have build this addon to manege the options of these codesnippets directly from the WordPress admin dashboard without any coding knowledge. **Links** * [AddonSuite](https://wpextend.net/) - official addon site. == Installation == 1. Pleas note, that WPAdverts is installed and activated 2. Activate the AddonSuite 3. Find the AddonSuite options on the left menu of your WordPress admin dashboard == Changelog == = 1.0 - 2018-10-13 = * Initial release