=== AFS Analytics === Contributors: AddFreeStats Donate link: https://www.afsanalytics.com Requires at least: 3.5.0 Tested up to: 4.9.4 Stable tag: 3.31 Tags: AFS analytics, afsanalytics, website analytics, web analytics, real-time analytics, statistics, heatmap, user tracking, logged user, admin tracking , utm tracking License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html AFS Analytics provides one of the best real-time analytics tool using the latest technologies. == Description == New: Detailed Logged User profile, with username, name, role, email, address, etc. We added an option for tracking the admin pages. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gco9fIdGdOQ Heatmap: Understand what users want and how they interact on your website. Visualize the most popular areas of your pages. Access to detailed user profile: Get detailed profiles of members, logged users, visitors with their role, name, email, etc. Zombie Traffic: Detect inactive users and click fraud from you advertising campaigns. Save your AD budget. Automated Event Tracking with [AutoTrack](https://www.afsanalytics.com/info/122/autotrack-automated-event-tracking.html "AutoTrack") [AFS Analytics](https://www.afsanalytics.com/ "AFS Analytics") is easy to use! Get amazing analytics in real-time! Analyze your visitor behavior and understand how to improve your website content. Automated Event Tracking: cliks, download, video, form, scroll depth, etc. AFS [Web Analytics](https://www.afsanalytics.com/ "Web Analytics") tool offers you two real-time reports continuously updated. The real-time dashboard displays your website metrics into a single page. The “Right now” report allows you to monitor the current activity on your website. **AFS Analytics recovers 99% of 'not provided' keywords from Google** No more Google keywords provided!: Since 2011, Google decided not to provide webmasters with search terms used by visitors on a secure connection. AFS Analytics developed an algorithm able to recover in real-time the keywords used by each visitor. Thanks to artificial intelligence, the prediction becomes more accurate and powerful over time. The algorithm captures the data from your website but also from your "Google Search Console" account via an API. Please read: [Search terms prediction using artificial intelligence](https://www.afsanalytics.com/info/107/search-terms-prediction-using-artificial-intelligence.html "Search terms prediction using artificial intelligence") **Benefits of AFS Analytics algorithm:** Recover search terms in real time. Show history of search terms, and their search engine rank. Show search terms used by each visitor. Show data provided by the “Google search console” tool on the Dashboard. Rebuild the referrer's URL including the keywords used. **Predictive Web Analytics:** AFS analytics tool gives you an estimate of website traffic. **One minute install plugin** Install and launch AFS Analytics in under 60 seconds. AFS [WordPress Analytics](https://www.afsanalytics.com/info/7/wordpress-web-analytics.html "Analytics WordPress guide") install guide. **Real-Time Analytics Reporting:** With LiveDisplay technology, AFS Analytics provides real-time reporting. Your website data are tracked immediately and the reports continuously updated. **Easy to use:** With our innovative Dashboard, all website statistics are displayed into a single page. The toolbar is intuitive and offers user-friendly features such as zoom, scroll, menu, etc. **Ultimate Performance:** AFA Analytics has been built to deliver ultimate performance. The latest technologies were used including HTML5, JQuery , AJAX and cloud system. **Boost the speed of your blog:** AFS Analytics now provides asynchronous tracking code snippet. This technology will dramatically improve your blog pages speed load time and tracking accuracy. **Advanced Guides for developers:** Guides for [developers](https://www.afsanalytics.com/articles/developers/ "developers") are available. **Comply with the European law on the deposit of cookies:** If you operate a website in the EU or have users from the EU countries, you must comply with the General Data Protection Regulation. AFS plugin can display and manage for you the consent request banner on your website. [How to comply with the European law on the deposit of cookies](https://www.afsanalytics.com/info/144/how-to-set-up-analytic-js-to-comply-with-European-law-about-cookies.html ","How to set-up analytic.js to comply with the European law on the deposit of cookies") **Receive automatically PDF Reports with your logo:** The reports can be sent (PDF files) automatically daily/weekly/monthly. French version of [AFS Analytics](https://www.afsanalytics.com/fr/ "AFS Analytics France") now is available. **Live demo** [Live Demo](http://www.afsanalytics.com/dashboard.php?demo=1 "Live Demo") Great [alternative to Google Analytics](https://www.afsanalytics.com/ "Great alternative to google analytics") without google analytics disadvantages . AFS Analytics is a trademark of [DataSense](https://www.datasense.fr/ "DataSense") compagny. == Installation == Installing should be a piece of cake and take fewer than 3 minutes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5cd084wyPNo 1. Install [AFS Analytics](https://www.afsanalytics.com/ "AFS Analytics") plugin either via the WordPress plugin directory, or by uploading the files to your `/wp-content/plugins/` directory. 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 3. Click on "Settings" menu and on 'AFS Analytics settings" option. 4. AFS plugin page is displayed. Click on "Get a website ID" link. 5. Enter the website ID (received by Email) into the website ID field. 6. Click on the "Update" button. 7. Access to your website statistics through the 'AFS Analytics' link on WordPress menu" If you would like to create your own language pack or update the existing one, you can send [the text of PO and MO files](http://codex.wordpress.org/Translating_WordPress "the text of PO and MO files") for AFS Analytics and we'll add it to the plugin. You can download the latest version of the program for work with PO and MO files: http://www.poedit.net/download.php. If you need additional help? Contact AFS Analytics : [AFS Analytics support](https://www.afsanalytics.com/contact.html "Contact AFS Analytics") Contact-us on Facebook: [AFS Analytics Facebook support](https://www.facebook.com/afsanalytics "facebook support") [AFS Analytics Twitter support](https://twitter.com/afsanalytics "twitter support") == Frequently Asked Questions == = Top 10 Reasons to use AFS Analytics = 1. Build a more efficient and profitable website. 2. Real-time analytics and reporting. 3. Track and understand what people are doing. 4. Powerful automated event tracking. 5. Detailed visitor profile and history. 6. Recovering "Not Provided" Keywords. 7. Optimize your website ranking (SEO). 8. Improve your marketing campaigns efficiency. 9. Ecommerce, see why visitors convert, or not. 10. Get automated analytics PDF reports. = How long before I start seeing analytics? = immediatly, our dashboard provides real-time analytics. = Where I can see a live demo? = [Live Demo](http://www.afsnalytics.com/dashboard.php?demo=1 "AFS Analytics Demo") == Screenshots == 1. Features. 2. iPad. 3. On your screen. 4 Visitors listing. 5 Plugin == Changelog == =3.30 Woocommerce tracking added. Privacy settings. Col = 3.20 and 3.21= Bugs fixed. = 3.18 = PHP warning fixed = 3.16 = Added Heatmap, Ads blocker detection, Zombie traffic detection = 3.12 = New interface with AutoTrack settings. = 3.11 = Check your keywords position in Google with our powerful SEO tool. Asynchronous Tracking Code with analytics.js library. Access Key for automatic Login from your WordPress dashboard. Event Tracking (clicks, video, form, download, windows, etc.). AutoTrak - Event tracking without One Line Of Code. include DataSet support. Marketing campaigns tracking! E-commerce tracking. = 3.10 = Minor changes. = 3.9 = it fixes the button position issue. = 3.8 = This version fixes some bugs. = 3.7 = Bug with the apostrophe character (tracker name field) has been fixed. Home page is detected and tracker name is correctly set up. If the javascript variable "AFS_page" is defined before the code, the value is not changed. if the variable php $trackername is defined before the code, the code use the value of this variable for the tracker name. = 3.6 = Minor changes = 3.4 = Minor bug fixed = 3.3 = The "AFS Analytics" shortcut appears on the WordPress menu. You can set the tracker name for each post or page. Tracker is invisble by default. = 3.2 = Code updated. Addfreestats is now AFS Analytics. HTTPS Pages are now supported. = 3.1 = Minor changes = 3.0 = New UI Use the addfreestats div tag to display the code where you want. Removed deprecated function calls.