=== Add to your Socibook.com Social Bookmarking Button === Tags: social, bookmark, bookmarks, post, posts, link, links, page, pages, network, technorati, del.icio.us, digg, reddit, google, yahoo, facebook, permalink, url, button, media, plugin, Stable tag: 0.1 == Description == This plugin puts a social bookmarking button on every post so that user can add content to socibook.com. When a post from your site is added to socibook people then can view it on socibook.com and if they like it they will enter your site from the link or vote for it, that way your posts will get popularity and people will come to your site from us. Visit plugin page. == Installation == 1. Upload the folder `/add-to-your-socibook-social-bookmarking-button/` to your WP plugin folder `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 1. The path must look like this: `/wp-content/plugins/add-to-your-socibook-social-bookmarking-button/` 1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress admin 1. You are ready, check the social bookmark buttons after your posts 1. Feel free to modify `top-social-bookmarking-buttons.php` to suite your needs. 1. You can disable any of the buttons by commenting it's line by `//`. == Screenshots == 1. Screenshot 1