=== ActiveHelper LiveHelp Live Chat=== Contributors: activehelper Tags: live chat, live help, live support, customer service, wordpress plugin, livechat, customer service, visitor tracking, visitor statistics Requires at least: 3.2 Tested up to: 3.2.1 Stable tag: 2.6.2 ActiveHelper LiveHelp is a powerful Live Chat Server Plugin for WordPress. == Description == Monitor in real time your website visitors. Know how many visitors are in the website, who referred, where are from, what keywords we reused to find the website and the visitors navigation history. Know decisive information of your website visitors patterns, conversations and agents service. Geo Location based on IP to location for the visitors on your website. See the visitors hometown map. Run the Live Help on your web server having 100% control over your data and many domains that you have. The ActiveHelper LiveHelp Server is UTF-8 multi language. The Live Chat system is translated to English, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Italian, French, Czech, Swedish, Norwegian, Turkey, Farsi, Greek, Hebrew, Serbo-Croatian, Russian , Hungarian ,Dutch, Finnish, Danish, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese , Arab and Polish. = Main Features = * Unlimited Operators * Unlimited Departments * Unlimited Domains * Multi Language Support * Full UTF-8 Support * SSL Support * Chat Re-branding * Image for each agent * Multi Language WordPress admin panel * Real-time Chats * Multiple Chat Requests * Auto Save Transcripts * Capture Visitor Data * Chat Queue Line * Chat Between Agents * Offline Messages * Disable chat module in Offline mode * Record Offline Messages * Send Transcription to the Visitor * Ratings * Transfer Chats * Visitors Tracking * Visitors Navigation History * Chat Invitations * Auto start invitation * Disable Invitation * Redirect URL offline form * Website Push * Typing status notifications * Pre typed Responses * Send Links / Images / JavaScript * Sound & Visual Alerts * Smiles Images * Operator Rating * Summarize System activity * Support Statistics * Geo Location based on IP * Google Analytic integration. * Online/Offline status images * Proxy support * Multi Language Images * 23 Language Translations. * Support Panel from your desktop * Customizable Look & Feel

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More Information

Visit the ActiveHelper LiveHelp website for more information about ActiveHelper LiveHelp.

Support Panel Console

Download the Support Panel Console, the agent app is available in the follow link: Download Area. == Installation == 1. Extract all files from the activehelper-livehelp.zip archive. 2. Upload the extracted **activehelper-livehelp** folder to the **/wp-content/plugins/** directory. 3. Activate the plugin through the **Plugins** menu in WordPress. 4. Click the **ActiveHelper LiveHelp Server** menu option, under the **Dashboard** menu in the admin user interface. 1. Configure the domains, agents and deploy the chat widget. == Frequently Asked Questions == For further help you may choose any of following options: * Step by Step Configuration Guide [Quick Start Guide](http://www.slideshare.net/activehelper/activehelper-livehelp-quick-start-for-wordpress). * Video demos [Video Demos](http://www.activehelper.com/livehelp/live-chat/take-the-tour.html). * For technical FAQ, please visit [FAQ](http://www.activehelper.com/livehelp/live-chat/faqs.html). * You can also contact us by our Live Chat [Live Chat](http://www.activehelper.com). == Screenshots == 1. Multi Language Status Indicator as Widget 2. Chat Window 3. Proactive Invitation 4. Offline Form Multi Language Support 5. LiveHelp Server Dashboard - Plugin admin area 6. Support Panel Windows Console - The agennt app 7. Live Chat Domain Settings. == Changelog == = 2.6.0 = * The first release of the plugin. = 2.6.1 = * Fix a issue in the database configuration. = 2.6.2 = * Fix a issue in the Generate script option. == Upgrade Notice == = 2.6.0 = * Initial version. = 2.6.1 = * Fix a issue in the database configuration = 2.6.2 = * Fix a issue in the Generate script option.