=== AMP for WP - Accelerated Mobile Pages === Contributors: mohammed_kaludi, ahmedkaludi, ampforwp Tags: AMP, accelerated mobile pages, mobile, amp project, google amp, amp wp, google, plugin, SEO Donate link: https://www.paypal.me/Kaludi/25 Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 5.3.2 Stable tag: 1.0.19 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html AMP for WP is the most recommended AMP plugin by the community. Automatically add Accelerated Mobile Pages (Google AMP Project) functionality on your WordPress site. == Description == AMP for WP automatically adds Accelerated Mobile Pages (Google AMP Project) functionality to your WordPress site. AMP makes your website faster for Mobile visitors. [What's New in this Version?](https://ampforwp.com/new/) | [Priority Support](https://ampforwp.com/priority-support/#utm_source=wp_org&utm_medium=description-tab-pro-box&utm_campaign=AMP%20Plugin) | [View Demo](https://ampforwp.com/demo/) | [Screenshots](https://wordpress.org/plugins/accelerated-mobile-pages/screenshots/) | [Community](https://ampforwp.com/help-center/) Extensions
Some useful extensions to extend AMP features, check [AMP Adsense Support](https://ampforwp.com/advanced-amp-ads/#utm_source=wp_org&utm_medium=description-tab-pro-box&utm_campaign=AMP%20Plugin), [Contact Form 7 Support](https://ampforwp.com/contact-form-7/#utm_source=wp_org&utm_medium=description-tab-pro-box&utm_campaign=AMP%20Plugin), [Email Opt-in Support](https://ampforwp.com/opt-in-forms/#utm_source=wp_org&utm_medium=description-tab-pro-box&utm_campaign=AMP%20Plugin) and [Call To Action Support](https://ampforwp.com/call-to-action/#utm_source=wp_org&utm_medium=description-tab-pro-box&utm_campaign=AMP%20Plugin). To view more, go to our [Extensions page](https://ampforwp.com/extensions/#utm_source=wp_org&utm_medium=description-tab-pro-box&utm_campaign=AMP%20Plugin). Support
We try our best to provide support on WordPress.org forums. However, We have a special [community support](https://ampforwp.com/help-center/) where you can ask us questions and get help about your AMP related questions. Delivering a good user experience means a lot to us and so we try our best to reply each and every question that gets asked. Bug Reports
Bug reports for AMP for WP are [welcomed on GitHub](https://github.com/ahmedkaludi/Accelerated-Mobile-Pages). Please note GitHub is _not_ a support forum, and issues that aren't properly qualified as bugs will be closed. = Features: = * NEW - Gutenberg Support * NEW - Divi and Elementor Support [More Info](https://ampforwp.com/amp-pagebuilder-compatibility/) * NEW - Improved CSS Optimization (Tree Shaking) * NEW - Google Fonts Support For All Designs * NEW - Addthis Sharing Support * NEW - AMP Infinite Scroll Support * NEW - Photo Gallery by 10Web Support * NEW - MEWE social network Support * NEW - GDPR Compliance * Out of the box compatiblity for Yoast SEO, All in One Seo, Rank Math, Genesis, SEOPress, Bridge Qode SEO, The SEO Framework and Squrilly SEO Plugin. * Introducing Page Builder 3.0 for AMP! [Learn More & Video](https://ampforwp.com/tutorials/article/amp-page-builder-installation/) * New Default Theme for AMP called Swift * 3 Pre-built AMP Layouts for Business websites and landing pages * OneSignal Push Notifications integration * Advanced WooCommerce Support [More Info](https://ampforwp.com/woocommerce/) * Gravity Forms Support [More Info](https://ampforwp.com/gravity-forms/) * AMP Plugins Manager - Which allows you to disable a specific plugin functionality only in the AMP version * Structured Data Options * Page Break / NextPage (Pagination) Support * Contact Form 7 Support [More Info](https://ampforwp.com/contact-form-7/) * Graviry Form Support [More Info](https://ampforwp.com/gravity-forms/) * Caldera Form Support [More Info](https://ampforwp.com/caldera-forms-for-amp/) * Ninja Form Support [More Info](https://ampforwp.com/ninja-forms/) * Facebook Comments Support * Github Gist Support * Email Opt-in Subscription form support in AMP added * Call to Action boxes and notification bars * 9 Advertisement sizes - 2 More AD slots added recently * Comments Forms in AMP. * Native AMP Search functionality. * Design 3 [Watch the Video Overview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ub1pwskt3Rc) * Disqus Comments Support * Google Tag Manager Support * Page, Category & Tags Support Added * Custom AMP Editor - Which allows you to override your Content that you had written in Post or page, so you can add the different content just for AMP. * Mobile Redirection - More than 50% of your traffic is from mobile and you aren’t doing anything to improve their user experience, which means you are falling behind on SEO and it can result in lower SERPS. Lightning fast mobile version means faster User experience means more engagement which directly results in the lower bounce rate. * Custom Post Type Support * Star Ratings * Drag & Drop Page builder Added * 4 Designs for AMP * AMP WooCommerce Support * Switch on/off Support for Pages & Posts on AMP * Translation Panel & RTL * Internal AMP linking - You can browse AMP pages internally * Related posts below the post * Recent Comments list * Automatically integrate AMP to your website. * Google Adsense (AMP-AD) Support with 4 different Ad slots across the layout! The First Plugin to have this capability. * Built in MGID Ads Support with 6 different ad slots. * Google Analytics Support. * User Friendly Theme Options Panel. * Unlimited Color Scheme. * Image Logo Upload. * Supports Posts and Pages and other custom post types. * Proper rel canonical tags which means that Google know the original page. * Overlay Navigation Menu bar. * Social Sharing in the Single. * Sexy Design. * Separate WordPress Menu for AMP version. * Page builder & Shortcodes Compatibility. * Carousel support for Gallery. * Better Image stretching and resizing. * Youtube Video Embed Support. * Vine Embed Support. * Twitter oembed Support. * Instagram Embed Support. * Facebook Video Embed Support. * RTL Support * Custom AMP FrontPage * Notifications * Alexa Metrics, Chartbeat, Hi-stats, Yandex Metrika, Piwik, Segment.com, StatCounter, Effective Measure and comScore Builtin Support * Incontent & DoubleClick Support * Great Support & Active Development. * Widgets & WooCommerce * Breadcrumb Support added * Facebook Instant Articles Support Added * AMP Installation Wizard that makes it easy to setup for new users. * Category base remover support * Tag base remover support * 7 New Social Media Integrations added (Reddit, Tumblr, Telegram, Digg, StumbleUpon, Wechat, Viber) * AMP Theme Framework Core Support Added. You can now create AMP templates of your own in just minutes. **[More](https://ampforwp.com/amp-theme-framework/)** * NEW - Make AMP & Non-AMP Same with just one click! * NEW - Allows you to use AMP as primary website! **[JOIN CHAT GROUP COMMUNITY](https://ampforwp.com/community/)**: Purpose of this group is to get proper suggestions and feedback from plugin users and the community so that we can make the plugin even better. = Getting Started: = **[1. User Documentation:](https://ampforwp.com/help/)** The AMP for WordPress plugin is easy to setup but we have some tutorials and guides prepared for you which will help you dive deep with the plugin. **[2. Developer Docs:](https://ampforwp.com/tutorials/article-categories/developer-documentation/)** We have created special documentations for developers and semi technical users who are willing to modify the plugin according to their own needs. **[3. Support:](https://ampforwp.com/help-center/)** We try our best to provide support on WordPress.org forums. However, We have a special community support where you can ask us questions and get help about your AMP related questions. Delivering a good user experience means a lot to us and so we try our best to reply each and every question that gets asked. **[4. Premium Support:](https://ampforwp.com/priority-support/#utm_source=wp_org&utm_medium=description-tab-pro-box&utm_campaign=AMP%20Plugin)** We will personally take care that your website’s AMP version is perfectly validated. We will make sure that your AMP version gets approved and indexed by Google Webmaster Tools properly and we will even keep an eye on AMP updates from Google and implement them into your website. == Credits == Some code used in this plugin was forked from 'AMP for WordPress' plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/amp/ - License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html. Mobile & Tablet detection library used https://github.com/serbanghita/Mobile-Detect - License URI: https://github.com/serbanghita/Mobile-Detect/blob/master/LICENSE.txt PHP CSS Parser library used https://github.com/sabberworm/PHP-CSS-Parser - License URI: https://github.com/sabberworm/PHP-CSS-Parser#license (PHP-CSS-Parser is freely distributable under the terms of an MIT-style license.) == Installation == **[Visit Help area for the Documentation:](https://ampforwp.com/help/)** [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Em1nsE_KaKw] **[Visit Help area for the Documentation:](https://ampforwp.com/help/)** == Frequently Asked Questions == = Can I add analytics? = Yes, you easily can. In fact, we have support for 12 Analytics companies. Including Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, StatCounter, QuantCast, Chartbeat, comScore to list a few. Also, we have Google Tag Manager (GTM) support as well. = Can I add Ads in my AMP pages? = Yes, you can. We have 6 ad placement slots that are built in and strategically placed to get maximum views. Also, we have [an extension](https://ampforwp.com/advanced-amp-ads/) from which you can insert ads between the content, will get more ad slots and also add custom banners to all the available slots. = Can I extend/Change the AMP design, so it suits my needs? = Yes, you easily can. We have created this plugin in such a way that it can easily be extended. Check out our [AMP Theme Framework](https://ampforwp.com/tutorials/article/getting-started-amp-framework/) = Do you have any prebuilt designs? = Yes, we have AMP themes section where we have free and paid designs available. We also update it regularly. You can check it out our [AMP Themes](https://ampforwp.com/themes) = I'm a developer and I want to add custom functionality for a client, can I do that? = Yes, of course. This plugin is very developer friendly, we have lots of hooks and filters that you can use to extend and customize according to the requirements. Also, we have [developer documentation](https://ampforwp.com/tutorials/article-categories/developer-documentation/) which we update regularly. = How do I report bugs and suggest new features? = You can report the bugs [here](https://github.com/ahmedkaludi/Accelerated-Mobile-Pages/issues) = Will you Add New features to my request? = Yes, Absolutely! We would suggest you send your feature request by creating an issue in [Github](https://github.com/ahmedkaludi/Accelerated-Mobile-Pages/issues/new/) . It helps us organize the feedback easily. = How do I get in touch? = You can contact us from [here](https://ampforwp.com/contact/) == Screenshots == 1. AMP Homepage 2. AMP Single Post 3. Post Navigation in Single 4. Sticky Social sharing icons 5. Overlay Navigation menu sidebar. 6. Page builder of the Single article. You can drag and drop any element. 7. Single post of Design One 8. GTMetrix Performance Report 9. Google PageSpeed Insight report for AMP 10. Homepage of Design One 11. Pingdom Speed Report for AMP == Changelog == = 1.0.19 (29th January 2020) = * Improvement: EWWW Image Optimizer plugin Compatibility #3984 * Fixed: WP Admin toolbar CSS is not loading when user is logged in #4076 * Fixed: AMP Options panel UI improvements done. #4088 * Fixed: video is not displaying in AMP when a video is inserted from gutenberg video module #4086 * Fixed: Performance section all features not working when Ezoic integration plugin is active. #4092 * Fixed: Playbuzz is not working #4085 * Fixed: RECENT POSTS label visible if no posts are available #4011 * Fixed: data-block-on-consent is missing for Vuukle comments when gdpr is enabled #4095 * Fixed: Remove Purge AMP CDN cache Settings buuton: #4099 * Fixed: When categories that we exclude from AMP through the plugin configuration present redirection problem along with mobile redirection option #4075 * Fixed: Alignment issue in GDPR Privacy link. #4101 = 1.0.18 (27th January 2020) = * Fixed: Debug warnings with Imagify plugin #3908 = 1.0.17 (27th January 2020) = * Improvement: Compatibility with the Imagify plugin #3908 * Improvement: EWWW Image Optimizer plugin Compatibility #3984 * Improvement: Accessibility score of Amp Layouts improved in Lighthouse test #4078 * Fixed: Admin toolbar is not showing on custom amp page #3718 * Fixed: Bug in Instant article's Single option #3891 * Fixed: If the user adds the social share link in the users section then we need to show social share icon #3976 * Fixed: Treeshaking is enabled then " Content sneak to peek " button is showing below the content. #4069 * Fixed: AMP take over is not working on home page when user have no posts. #4056 = 1.0.16 (24th January 2020) = * Improvement: Need to built compatibility with "Mistape" plugin. #3974 * Improvement: Need to make compatibility with "Transposh WordPress Translation" plugin #3895 * Fixed: A Table is created trough Gutenberg then CSS of that Table is failing to load in AMP. #3902 * Fixed: When user search from the AMP site then results page should be in non-AMP. #3977 * Fixed: Add 'wp-color-picker' as dependency while registering the script #4061 * Fixed: The "for" attribute is removing in AMP #4054 * Fixed: Table heading style is not working properly #4050 * Fixed: Need to change the description of AMP page builder compatibility options when plugin is activated. #3899 * Fixed: Thumbnail image of homepage should show properly after changing the image size #3882 * Fixed: Need to remove the default AMP functionality from the User's theme as it is breaking the layout. #4068 * Fixed: YOAST SEO Analysis is not working properly with AMP Page Builder. #4030 * Fixed: When AMP is disabled on pages,give an option of hide/unhide AMP on Blog page when in edit mode. #4066 * Fixed: The tag 'template' requires including the 'amp-mustache' extension JavaScript. #4079 Full changelog available [ at changelog.txt](https://plugins.svn.wordpress.org/accelerated-mobile-pages/trunk/changelog.txt)