=== AMP - Accelerated Mobile Pages === Contributors: mohammed_kaludi, ahmedkaludi Tags: accelerated mobile pages, amp, mobile, amp project, google amp, amp wp Requires at least: 3.0 Tested up to: 4.5.2 Stable tag: 0.6 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Automatically add Accelerated Mobile Pages (Google AMP Project) functionality on your WordPress site. == Description == Automatically add Accelerated Mobile Pages (Google AMP Project) functionality on your WordPress site. AMP WP is a plugin that needs to no configuration, just activate it and you are done. [View Demo and Screenshot of the plugin](http://ahmedkaludi.com/accelerated-mobile-pages/) **Features:** * Automatically integrate AMP to your website * Supports Posts and Pages * Proper rel canonical tags which means that Google know the original page. * Overlay Navigation Menu bar * Social Sharing in the Single * Sexy Design * Separate WordPress Menu for AMP version **NOTE: Next Update of this plugin will be released on 4 August 2016.** [Here is the list of things](https://goo.gl/jDTPyg) that will be updated in the next update **How to test if AMP is working or not?** After you install the plugin, Google will automatically index the amp pages using the amp tag and then show you the updates in the search console. **How can I view the AMP version of my site** To view the AMP version, add /?amp at the end of your url. An example would be http://Website.com/?amp .... and No, you don't have to worry about duplication of the content because that has been taken care of the canonical tag as suggested by Google. **How do I Report Bugs and Suggest New Features** You can report the bugs at https://github.com/ahmedkaludi/Accelerated-Mobile-Pages/issues **Will you Add New features upon my request?** Yes, Absolutely! I would suggest you to send your feature request by creating an issue in Github at https://github.com/ahmedkaludi/Accelerated-Mobile-Pages/issues/new/ . It helps us organize the feedback easily. **How do I get in touch?** You can contact me using this url: http://ahmedkaludi.com/contact-me/ == Installation == 1. Upload the folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 3. You can access your amp enabled website by adding ?amp at the end of the url. == Frequently Asked Questions == = How do I know that my site is AMP enabled? = Add /?amp at the end of your website url and you will get amp version of your website. = I have addded /?amp at the end of the url and still I'm not able to see the AMP version of my site? = Please check if you have "Pretty Permalinks" enabled. If not then activate it. For more details about Pretty Permalinks check out this wonderful article https://codex.wordpress.org/Using_Permalinks == Screenshots == 1. AMP Homepage 2. AMP Single Post 3. Post Navigation in Single 4. Sticky Social sharing icons 5. Overlay Navigation menu sidebar. == Changelog == = 0.1 = * Initial version = 0.2 = * White Screen of death issue fixed * Plugin URI updated = 0.2.5 = * Minor bugs fixed * ?mobile & ?nomobile is now ?amp & ?noamp = 0.3 = * Support of amp-img added in single posts * minor css bug fixed = 0.4 = * Support of Custom menu added for AMP enabled sites = 0.5 = * Added AMP Markup for Google Structured data. This will fix the issues in Webmaster tools. = 0.6 = * Improved Navigation Menu, Search Console errors fixed, Social Sharing option, Pages support, Force redirection for mobile users removed and many other bug fixes