=== 360 Javascript Viewer === Contributors: jtermaat Tags: 360, 360 product view, 360 product rotation, 360 product viewer,360 image, 3d product viewer, 360 view software, product rotation, objectvr, object vr, 3D product rotation, 3D, product spin, 360 product spin Requires at least: 3.3.0 Requires PHP: 5.6 Tested up to: 5.7 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Stable tag: 1.6.12 Turn a series of images into an interactive 360 degree view. == Description == ####Features#### * Full 360° view * WooCommerce support * Responsive design * Zoom by wheel(mouse) or pinch(mobile) * Unlimited presentations on a single page * Just upload your images to your media library, no external service needed * Variable amount of images, limit is 365 images * Customize speed and inertia * Reverse dragging * Rotate to edges * Custom frame format, no renaming of files * Optional autorotation on start 1 is one rotation after start and 2 is 2 rotations and so on * Reverse autorotation * Speed autorotation otherwise it uses the speed of the viewer * Custom start frame * Stop at edges * Use your own notifier * Float and margin for some placement control * ShortCodes system, [generate the shortcodes online for more control](https://www.360-javascriptviewer.com/wordpress) * Widget * Very lightweight (50kb) == Installation == 1. Upload the plugin files to the `your_wordpress_plugins_dir/360deg-javascript-viewer` directory, or Install as a regular WordPress plugin 2. Go your Plugins page in the WordPress Dashboard and activate it ####Shortcode parameters#### [Generate the shortcodes online](https://www.360-javascriptviewer.com/wordpress) `example: [360-jsv total-frames=72 speed=90 inertia=30 max-width=200] // will take the default image` `example: [360-jsv main-image-url=your/image.jpg total-frames=16 speed=90 inertia=30 image-url-format=your/image_xx.jpg]` * **main-image-url** is the url to the main image, that is the base for all the other frames * **total-frames** is the total number of frames in the presentation * **speed** is the speed of rotating * **inertia** is the delay when the user stops dragging * **reverse** inverts the rotation direction when dragging * **image-url-format** give a format for the next frames * **auto-rotate** use this setting for rotating the view at start. Rotation stops when user drags the model or another animation method is called. 0 is no rotation and 10 is 10 rotations at start * **auto-rotate-speed** use this setting for changing the speed of the auto rotating * **auto-rotate-reverse** use this setting for changing the direction of the auto rotating * **stop-at-edges** blocks repeating images after reaching last image * **max-width** sets the max-width of the presentation in px * **float** use left or right to align the presentation * **margin-left** set the left margin * **margin-right** set the right margin * **margin-top** set the top margin * **margin-bottom** set the bottom margin [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYCD2sL1lM0&ab_channel=360JavascriptViewer] == Screenshots == 1. Put your 360 images in your own media library. 2. Configure the viewer and create a shortcode at 360-javascriptviewer.com 3. Paste the shortcode anywhere in a post or page 4. Responsive viewer integrated on a page 5. WooCommerce front in product gallery with support for photoswipe in lightbox 6. WooCommerce product admin, add shortcode to show an 360 product view == Changelog == = 1.0 = * Basic version, still under development = 1.0.1 = * Bugfixes in viewer, update to v0.0.45 = 1.1.0 = * Added optional autorotation on start = 1.2.0 = * Added zoom functions = 1.2.1 = * Fix scrolling bug, update jsv to v1.2.7 = 1.2.2 = * Fix parameter bug = 1.3.0 = * Added rotate to edges = 1.4.0 = * Added widget = 1.5.0 = * Added WooCommerce support = 1.5.2 = * Added object support in bb code for notification = 1.6.0 = * Use your own notifier