=== 3 Sheep Booking === Contributors: 3sheep Tags: appointment,booking,reservation,shortcode Requires at least: 3.0.0 Tested up to: 3.4.2 Stable tag: trunk Provides a simple interface to allow a Wordpress blog to take appointment bookings with an email a confirmation. == Description == The plugin allows you to create a number of appointment slots and reply to any bookings with a configurable confirmation email message. Once the plugin is installed you can use the settings interface to set the length of the standard appointment as well as configuring the following items for the confirmation email: * The 'From' address. * The BCC address to copy in for each confirmation email. * The prefix for the confirmation email subject. * The body of the email message. Appointments can be added by entering the date and time and then clicking 'Add Appointment'. To delete or reset an appointment select the checkbox next to it and clicking the appropriate button. To include the booking form into a page or post use the shortcode [tsbooking]. == Installation == 1. Upload `3SheepBooking` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 3. Configure the plugin in Plugins->Appointment Booking 4. Include the signatures in posts and pages using the [tsbooking] shortcodes. == Screenshots == 1. screenshot-1.png - The settings panel 2. screenshot-2.png - The booking panel == Changelog == = 1.00 = * First public release.