=== Plugin Name === Contributors: LinksAlpha Tags: like, facebook like, facebook, widget, plugin, twitter, retweet, tweet, images, social plugins, Post, google, admin, social posts, posts, shares, comments, sidebar, likes, page, image, social networks, buttons, counters, social media, social, links, comments, social networks, social, Blogger, Brightkite, Delicious, Diigo, Foursquare, Google Buzz, Plurk, Posterous, Sonico, Tumblr, Typepad, Windows Live, Yahoo, Yahoo Meme, Yammer. Requires at least: 2.0.2 Tested up to: 3.0.1 Stable tag: 3.1.0 == Description == Lets users Retweet, Share and Like pages from your site back to their Twitter followers and Facebook friends with just one click. *The user experience is similar to Facebook Like button but expanded to Twitter and Facebook Share as well ! Screenshot: http://cdn.linksalpha.com/static/1clickwidget.png*. You can interact with the plugin at http://dev30.linksalpha.com/?p=8 Plugin also enables you to `Automatically Publish` your `Blog Posts to 20+ Networks`. 1. Facebook Profile 1. Facebook Pages 1. Twitter 1. LinkedIn 1. MySpace 1. Yammer 1. Yahoo 1. Yahoo Meme 1. Status.net 1. Identi.ca 1. Blogger 1. Brightkite 1. Delicious 1. Diigo 1. Foursquare 1. Google Buzz 1. Plurk 1. Posterous 1. Sonico 1. Tumblr 1. Typepad 1. Wordpress.com 1. Wordpress.org self-hosted Blog Plugin also supports `Publishing your Blog Posts to Twitter` via `OAuth`. Go to http://www.linksalpha.com/publish for a quick 2mins. setup. **List of Features** * 1-click Retweet * 1-click Facebook Share * 1-click Facebook Like * Displays counts next to the buttons * Offers consistent UI: aligned buttons and uniform color selection * Gives visual indication after the blog post is Retweeted/Shared/Liked. See screenshot at http://cdn.linksalpha.com/static/1clickedwidget.png * View Weekly Stats to track total number of Blog Posts, Tweets, Bitly Clicks, Facebook Comments, Facebook Likes, and Facebook Shares. * View status of your blog posts to each network - whether the blog post has been published, when it was published, etc. * Using advanced features such as categories, automatically post selected blog posts to a subset of networks. **Benefits** * Enable your users to retweet, share and like your blog posts to their Twitter followers and Facebook friends. * Keep your fans, followers, and connections automatically updated on your blog posts. * Expand your blog reach and save time by letting the plugin publish your blog posts - automatically. **Manual positioning** For Manually positioning the 1-click Retweet/Share/Like on your blog you need to do the following two things: 1. Place the following code `` in index.php file or any other file as you see appropriate in themes folder (...\wordpress\wp-content\themes). Note: if you are using 'default' theme for the Wordpress plugin, then place the above code in single.php (...\wordpress\wp-content\themes\default\single.php) 2. On admin page for this plugin ('1-click Retweet/Share/Like'), check the box next to "Disable displaying 1-click Retweet/Share/Like (for Manual Option Only - see readme.txt)" under "1-Click Social Widget Position & Colors" and submit by clicking on 'Save Changes'. **Admin Options** * Option to show the buttons at top, bottom, or both top and bottom of the blog post * Option to set margins for the buttons * Option to place the buttons manually * Select pages on which buttons should be visible: home and archive (default: single/home/archive) * Select Font Styles for Retweet/Share/Like: arial, tahoma, lucida grande, segoe ui, trebuchet ms, verdana * Select Counter Colors (any color) for Retweet and Facebook Share (For Facebook Like, option not available from Facebook) * Option to change 'Like' text to 'Recommend' **Misc** * For getting support, email us at: discuss@linksalpha.com * Note: We encourage you to download the latest version of the plugin as soon as it becomes available - as it may have additional extremely useful features for your blog. == Installation == 1. Upload la-click-and-share.zip to '/wp-content/plugins/' directory and unzip it. 2. Activate the Plugin from "Manage Plugins" window == Frequently Asked Questions == = After plugin upgrade it doesn't work? = Deactivate and then Activate the plugin. If by default it shows as 'activated', then click on 'deactivate' and then click on 'activate'. = What if I have more questions? = Go to http://help.linksalpha.com/1-click-retweet-share-like/faqs for list of FAQs and corresponding answers. = Question still not answered? = Email us at discuss@linksalpha.com == Screenshots == 1. Social 1-click Retweet/Share/Like buttons 2. List of supported networks for automatic publishing == Changelog == = 3.1.0 = * Plugin now uses official Twitter button instead of ReTweet button from LinksAlpha.com * Plugin now detects if user has PuSHPress plugin installed. Helps in faster publishing = 3.0.0 = * New functionality: ability to Automatically Publish your blog posts to 20+ Networks!