1. ZZDom selectors

zz( '#', 't1-1' ).text( 'yellow' );

white. Original value is white, modified must be yellow.

zz( '.', 't1-2' ).text( 'yellow' );

zz( 't', 'i' ).text( 'yellow' );

zz( 'n', 'myname' ).text( 'yellow' );

zz( 's', '.t1-5 span.selected' ).text( 'yellow' );

2. Element

zz( document.getElementById( 't2-1' ) ).text( 'yellow' );

white. Original value is white, modified must be yellow.

3. HTMLCollection

zz( document.getElementsByClassName( 't3-1' ) ).text( 'yellow' );

4. NodeList

zz( document.getElementsByName( 'anothername' ) ).text( 'yellow' );

5. Nodes

zz( document.querySelectorAll( '#t5-1 .t5-1' ) ).text( 'yellow' );

6. Standard selectors

zz( '#t6-1 .t6-1' ).text( 'yellow' );

7. HTML code

HTML creates 1 element

zz( -div id="t7-1-in"-New div-div ).appendTo( '#t7-1' )
This is the container t7-1

HTML creates several elements

zz( ... ).appendTo( '#t7-2' )
This is the container t7-2

8. Null

zz( document.querySelectorAll( '#non-existing-id' ) ).text( 'this is useless' );
var instance = zz( document.querySelectorAll( '#non-existing-id' ) );
instance = zz( '#non-existing-id' );

9. Exceptions

Unsupported selector id

zz( 'unknown', 'some text' ).text( 'yellow' );

Unsupported selector type

zz( 1 ).text( 'this is useless' );

10. param

input 1:
input 2: