1. text and html

  1. text:
  2. html:

2. remove and empty

  1. remove:
  2. empty:

3. replaceWith


4. attr and removeAttr

attr: removeAttr:

5. addClass, hasClass, removeClass and toggleClass

hasClass: 1 (yes), 2 (no) and 3 (yes) addClass: removeClass: toggleClass: hasClass: 1 (no), 2 (no) and 3 (yes) hasClass: 1 (no), 2 (no) and 3 (no)

6. after, before, append and prepend

after: original contains Text 1, Text 2 and Text 3, modified contains Text 1, New text, Text 2, Text 3 and New text. before: original contains Text 1, Text 2 and Text 3, modified contains New text, Text 1, Text 2, New text and Text 3. append: prepend:

7. siblings, prev and next

siblings: prev and next:

8. children, index and parent

children and index: parent:

9. filter and find

A div
A div
A div
A nested div
A nested div
A div
A nested div
A nested div
A div
A div
A div
A nested div
A nested div
A div
A nested div
A nested div
A div with a class
A div with a and b class
A div with no class
A div with a class
A div with a and b class
A div with no class

10. clone and is

Hello 1
Hello 2
Test for is 1
Test for is 2
Test for is 1
Test for is 2

11. css

12. height, width, outerHeight and outerWidth

zz( '.t12-1' ).height( '2em' ):
Div 1-1
Div 1-2
zz( '.t12-2' ).height( 100 ):
Div 2-1
Div 2-2
zz( '.t12-3' ).width( '10em' ):
Div 3-1
Div 3-2
zz( '.t12-4' ).width( 800 ):
Div 4-1
Div 4-2
zz( '.t12-5' ).height( '2em' ). Test outerHeight:
Div 5-1
Div 5-2
zz( '.t12-6' ).height( 100 ). Test outerHeight:
Div 6-1
Div 6-2
zz( '.t12-7' ).width( '10em' ). Test outerWidth:
Div 7-1
Div 7-2
zz( '.t12-8' ).width( 800 ). Test outerWidth:
Div 8-1
Div 8-2

13. offset, offsetParent and position

zz( '.t13-1' ).offset( { top: 10, left: 30 } )
zz( '.t13-2' ).offsetParent().addClass( 'selected' )
var position = zz( '.t13-3' ).position();

16. appendTo

appendTo string: zz( ... ).appendTo( '#t16-1' )
This is the container t16-1
appendTo Element: zz( ... ).appendTo( document.getElementById( 't16-2' ) )
This is the container t16-2
appendTo simpleZZDOM: zz( ... ).appendTo( zz( '#t16-3' ) )
This is the container t16-3
appendTo multipleZZDOM: zz( ... ).appendTo( zz( '.t16-4-class' ) )
This is the container t16-4a
Separator 1
This is the container t16-4b
Separator 2
This is the container t16-4c
appendTo Element: zz( ... ).appendTo( document.getElementById( 'non-existing-id-DOM' ) )
This is the container t16-5

17. each

zz( '.t17-1' ).each( function( index, currentValue, array ){ ... } );
This is t17-1-1
This is t17-1-2

18. array like syntax

zz( '.t18-1' )[ 0 ];
zz( '.t18-1' )[ 1 ];
This is t18-1-1
This is t18-1-2