Yet Another Sparql Query Editor

Maintained by


YASQE is part of the regular YASGUI web application. YASQE provides a simple syntax highlighted text area, bundled with features such as autocompletion, and the option to query SPARQL endpoints.
var yasqe = YASQE(document.getElementById("showcase"));
(or, if you would like to instantiate YASQE from an existing text area, use var yasqe = YASQE.fromTextArea(document.getElementById('textAreaItem'));


YASQE features:
  • Completely client-side
  • SPARQL syntax highlighting and error checking
  • Extremely customizable: All functions and handlers from the CodeMirror library are accessible
  • Persistent values (optional): your query is stored for easier reuse between browser sessions
  • Prefix autocompletion (using
  • Property and class autocompletion (using the Linked Open Vocabularies API)
  • Easily add your own property and class autocompletions if you have them
  • Handy keyboard shortcuts
  • Possible to execute the query directly
Combining YASQE with the YASR library (which visualizes SPARQL results) is easy: all you need to do is define YASR as a handler to the YASQE query method. See this example gist.

Download the latest release

We provide a bundled release containing all external dependencies, and we provide a release containing just the YASQE core. If you choose to use the regular release, make sure to include jQuery and CodeMirror in your page as well.


The YASQE files are hosted via JsDelivr. This CDN is the easiest way to include YASQE in your website.

JS Choose either the bundled or the core version


Visit the GitHub repository to download the YASQE .css and .js files (find them in the dist directory).

Download latest release from GitHub 

YASQE is registered as a node package as well, so you'll be able to use the node package manager to keep your version of YASQE up to date.

Show NPM Package

Used by

YASGUI (or one of its components, YASQE/YASR) is integrated in common triple-stores such as Apache Jena , OpenRDF Sesame and ClioPatria.

It has seen uptake in Linked Data tools as well, including

  • Gosparqled (demo), an extension of YASQE providing context-dependent property and class autocompletions
  • Snapper (demo), a browser based Turtle editor
  • Visu (demo), the first library to extend YASR with Google Chart functionality
  • Brwsr, a Linked Data browser
  • Trifid, a lightweight Linked Data server and proxy

Publishers are using as well, such as , the Smithsonian American Art museum ,the German National Library of Economics (ZWB) , Linked Open Vocabularies , the LOD Laundromat , MetaLex , linkedArc and the CEDAR project.

Forked by

Forks of YASQE have been developed:


A big thanks goes out to:
  • The people behind the Flint SPARQL editor for publishing the javascript SPARQL grammar
  • Marijn Haverbeke for his great work on the CodeMirror library syntax highlighting library
  • Pierre-Yves Vandenbussche and Bernard Vatant for their useful Linked Open Vocabularies service, of which I use the API to autocomplete properties and classes
  • Richard Cyganiak for his simple but effective service, which I use for autocompleting prefixes.