import * as YAML from '../src/' import { AbstractVisitor } from './visitor' import * as chai from 'chai' const assert = chai.assert function structure(node) { return new DuplicateStructureBuilder().accept(node); } suite('Loading a single document', () => { test('should work with document-end delimiters', function () { const input = `--- whatever: true ...` const doc = YAML.safeLoad(input) const expected_structure = YAML.newMap( [YAML.newMapping( YAML.newScalar('whatever'), YAML.newScalar('true'))]); assert.deepEqual(structure(doc), expected_structure) assert.lengthOf(doc.errors, 0, `Found error(s): ${doc.errors.toString()} when expecting none.`) }); test('Document end position should be equal to input length', function () { const input = ` outer: inner: `; const doc1 = YAML.load(input); assert.deepEqual(doc1.endPosition,input.length); }); }); suite('Loading multiple documents', () => { test('should work with document-end delimiters', function () { const docs = [] YAML.loadAll(`--- whatever: true ... --- whatever: false ...`, d => docs.push(d)) const expected_structure = [ YAML.newMap( [YAML.newMapping( YAML.newScalar('whatever'), YAML.newScalar('true'))]), YAML.newMap( [YAML.newMapping( YAML.newScalar('whatever'), YAML.newScalar('false'))]) ]; assert.deepEqual( => structure(d)), expected_structure) docs.forEach(doc => assert.lengthOf(doc.errors, 0, `Found error(s): ${doc.errors.toString()} when expecting none.`)) }); test('Last document end position should be equal to input length', function () { const input = ` outer1: inner1: ... --- outer2: inner2: `; const documents: YAML.YAMLDocument[] = []; YAML.loadAll(input,x=>documents.push(x)); const doc2 = documents[1]; assert.deepEqual(doc2.endPosition,input.length); }); }); class DuplicateStructureBuilder extends AbstractVisitor { visitScalar(node: YAML.YAMLScalar) { return YAML.newScalar(node.value) } visitMapping(node: YAML.YAMLMapping) { return YAML.newMapping(this.visitScalar(node.key), this.accept(node.value)) } visitSequence(node: YAML.YAMLSequence) { const seq = YAML.newSeq() seq.items = => this.accept(n)) return seq } visitMap(node: YAML.YamlMap) { return YAML.newMap( => this.accept(n))); } visitAnchorRef(node: YAML.YAMLAnchorReference) { throw new Error("Method not implemented."); } visitIncludeRef(node: YAML.YAMLNode) { throw new Error("Method not implemented."); } }