import * as React from "react"; import DragDrop from "../DragDrop"; import Actions from "../model/Actions"; import BorderNode from "../model/BorderNode"; import Node from "../model/Node"; import RowNode from "../model/RowNode"; import SplitterNode from "../model/SplitterNode"; import Orientation from "../Orientation"; import { CLASSES } from "../Types"; import { ILayoutCallbacks } from "./Layout"; /** @hidden @internal */ export interface ISplitterProps { layout: ILayoutCallbacks; node: SplitterNode; path: string; } /** @hidden @internal */ export const Splitter = (props: ISplitterProps) => { const { layout, node, path } = props; const pBounds = React.useRef([]); const outlineDiv = React.useRef(undefined); const parentNode = node.getParent() as RowNode | BorderNode; const onMouseDown = (event: Event | React.MouseEvent | React.TouchEvent) => { DragDrop.instance.setGlassCursorOverride(node.getOrientation() === Orientation.HORZ ? "ns-resize" : "ew-resize"); DragDrop.instance.startDrag(event, onDragStart, onDragMove, onDragEnd, onDragCancel, undefined, undefined, layout.getCurrentDocument(), layout.getRootDiv()); pBounds.current = parentNode._getSplitterBounds(node, true); const rootdiv = layout.getRootDiv(); outlineDiv.current = layout.getCurrentDocument()!.createElement("div"); = "absolute"; outlineDiv.current.className = layout.getClassName(CLASSES.FLEXLAYOUT__SPLITTER_DRAG); = node.getOrientation() === Orientation.HORZ ? "ns-resize" : "ew-resize"; const r = node.getRect(); if (node.getOrientation() === Orientation.VERT && r.width < 2) { r.width = 2; } else if (node.getOrientation() === Orientation.HORZ && r.height < 2) { r.height = 2; } r.positionElement(outlineDiv.current); rootdiv.appendChild(outlineDiv.current); }; const onDragCancel = (wasDragging: boolean) => { const rootdiv = layout.getRootDiv(); rootdiv.removeChild(outlineDiv.current as Element); }; const onDragStart = () => { return true; }; const onDragMove = (event: React.MouseEvent) => { const clientRect = layout.getDomRect(); const pos = { x: event.clientX - clientRect.left, y: event.clientY -, }; if (outlineDiv) { if (node.getOrientation() === Orientation.HORZ) { outlineDiv.current! = getBoundPosition(pos.y - 4) + "px"; } else { outlineDiv.current!.style.left = getBoundPosition(pos.x - 4) + "px"; } } if (layout.isRealtimeResize()) { updateLayout(); } }; const updateLayout = () => { let value = 0; if (outlineDiv) { if (node.getOrientation() === Orientation.HORZ) { value = outlineDiv.current!.offsetTop; } else { value = outlineDiv.current!.offsetLeft; } } if (parentNode instanceof BorderNode) { const pos = (parentNode as BorderNode)._calculateSplit(node, value); layout.doAction(Actions.adjustBorderSplit((node.getParent() as Node).getId(), pos)); } else { const splitSpec = parentNode._calculateSplit(node, value); if (splitSpec !== undefined) { layout.doAction(Actions.adjustSplit(splitSpec)); } } }; const onDragEnd = () => { updateLayout(); const rootdiv = layout.getRootDiv(); rootdiv.removeChild(outlineDiv.current as HTMLDivElement); }; const getBoundPosition = (p: number) => { const bounds = pBounds.current as number[]; let rtn = p; if (p < bounds[0]) { rtn = bounds[0]; } if (p > bounds[1]) { rtn = bounds[1]; } return rtn; }; const cm = layout.getClassName; let r = node.getRect(); const style = r.styleWithPosition({ cursor: node.getOrientation() === Orientation.HORZ ? "ns-resize" : "ew-resize", }); let className = cm(CLASSES.FLEXLAYOUT__SPLITTER) + " " + cm(CLASSES.FLEXLAYOUT__SPLITTER_ + node.getOrientation().getName()); if (parentNode instanceof BorderNode) { className += " " + cm(CLASSES.FLEXLAYOUT__SPLITTER_BORDER); } else { if (node.getModel().getMaximizedTabset() !== undefined) { style.display = "none"; } } const extra = node.getModel().getSplitterExtra(); if (extra === 0) { return (
); } else { // add extended transparent div for hit testing // extends forward only, so as not to interfere with scrollbars let r2 = r.clone(); r2.x = 0; r2.y = 0; if (node.getOrientation() === Orientation.VERT) { r2.width += extra; } else { r2.height += extra; } const style2 = r2.styleWithPosition({ cursor: node.getOrientation() === Orientation.HORZ ? "ns-resize" : "ew-resize" }); const className2 = cm(CLASSES.FLEXLAYOUT__SPLITTER_EXTRA); return (
); } };