import * as React from "react"; import { createPortal } from "react-dom"; import Rect from "../Rect"; import { CLASSES } from "../Types"; import { IFloatWindowContentWrapper } from '../model/FloatWindowContentWrapper' /** @hidden @internal */ export interface IFloatingWindowProps { title: string; id: string; url: string; rect: Rect; onCloseWindow: (id: string) => void; onSetWindow: (id: string, window: Window) => void; FloatWindowContentWrapper?: IFloatWindowContentWrapper; } interface IStyleSheet { href: string | null; type: string; rules: string[] | null; } /** @hidden @internal */ export const FloatingWindow = (props: React.PropsWithChildren) => { const { title, id, url, rect, onCloseWindow, onSetWindow, children, FloatWindowContentWrapper } = props; const popoutWindow = React.useRef(null); const [content, setContent] = React.useState(undefined); React.useLayoutEffect(() => { const r = rect; // Make a local copy of the styles from the current window which will be passed into // the floating window. window.document.styleSheets is mutable and we can't guarantee // the styles will exist when 'popoutWindow.load' is called below. const styles = Array.from(window.document.styleSheets).reduce((result, styleSheet) => { let rules: CSSRuleList | undefined = undefined; try { rules = styleSheet.cssRules; } catch (e) { // styleSheet.cssRules can throw security exception } try { return [ ...result, { href: styleSheet.href, type: styleSheet.type, rules: rules ? Array.from(rules).map(rule => rule.cssText) : null, } ]; } catch (e) { return result; } }, [] as IStyleSheet[]); popoutWindow.current =, id, `left=${r.x},top=${r.y},width=${r.width},height=${r.height}`); if (popoutWindow.current !== null) { onSetWindow(id, popoutWindow.current); // listen for parent unloading to remove all popouts window.addEventListener("beforeunload", () => { if (popoutWindow.current) { popoutWindow.current.close(); popoutWindow.current = null; } }); popoutWindow.current.addEventListener("load", () => { const popoutDocument = popoutWindow.current!.document; popoutDocument.title = title; const popoutContent = popoutDocument.createElement("div"); popoutContent.className = CLASSES.FLEXLAYOUT__FLOATING_WINDOW_CONTENT; popoutDocument.body.appendChild(popoutContent); copyStyles(popoutDocument, styles).then(() => { setContent(popoutContent); }); // listen for popout unloading (needs to be after load for safari) popoutWindow.current!.addEventListener("beforeunload", () => { onCloseWindow(id); }); }); } else { console.warn(`Unable to open window ${url}`); onCloseWindow(id); } return () => { // delay so refresh will close window setTimeout(() => { if (popoutWindow.current) { popoutWindow.current.close(); popoutWindow.current = null; } }, 0); }; }, []); if (content !== undefined) { return createPortal( FloatWindowContentWrapper ? : children, content!); } else { return null; } }; /** @hidden @internal */ function copyStyles(doc: Document, styleSheets: IStyleSheet[]): Promise { const head = doc.head; const promises: Promise[] = []; styleSheets.forEach((styleSheet) => { if (styleSheet.href) { // prefer links since they will keep paths to images etc const styleElement = doc.createElement("link"); styleElement.type = styleSheet.type; styleElement.rel = "stylesheet"; styleElement.href = styleSheet.href!; head.appendChild(styleElement); promises.push( new Promise((resolve, reject) => { styleElement.onload = () => resolve(true); }) ); } else { if (styleSheet.rules) { const style = doc.createElement("style"); styleSheet.rules.forEach(rule => style.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(rule))); head.appendChild(style); } } }); return Promise.all(promises); }